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Planning Your Publication Strategy: Journals (Science & Medicine)

Course Overview Date, venue & booking

Planning Your Publication Strategy: Journals (Science & Medicine)

(A collaboration between Student Careers and Skills and The Library)

This series of workshops looks in detail at different types of publications researchers may wish to consider. The sessions will focus on choosing between publication venues, the pros and cons on each type of publication and hints and tips on how to successfully publish with each one.

The series builds on the foundation provided in the ‘Planning your Publication Strategy: The Essentials’ session and will provide additional sections to the workbook introduced in the Essentials session.

Who is it for?

Research Staff and PhD Students

Session Objectives:

By the end of the session you will have:

  • Investigated a range of tools to evaluate different scholarly journal titles and other trade publications in the Science and Medicine subject areas.
  • Had an introduction to open access and what it means for journal publication.
  • Have a solid understanding of what journal impact factors are, how to find them and why they might be useful.

Is there anything else I need to know?


Led by:

Yvonne Budden, Academic Support Manager, Library


16 January 2017


11am - 12.30pm

OCO.05, Oculus Building


Tea/Coffee on arrival

Any questions?
Workshop content:
Sandy Sparks,
Learning Development Centre.
Ext: 74121

Workshop arrangements:
Jane Cooper,
Learning Development Centre
Ext: 24893



The date this workshop will run again is yet to be announced. Once available, it will be promoted on both the LDC website and monthly newsletter.

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