Research Actice Staff (RAS): Communicate your Research - Scholarly Books
(A collaboration between Student Careers and Skills and The Library)
This session will focus on the ways in which publishing your research as a long form scholarly work may differ to journal publication.
Who should attend?
University of Warwick Research Active Staff (staff on Research-focussed, Teaching-focussed and Research & Teaching contracts) and PhD Students.
Workshop Objectives:
This session will focus on the ways in which publishing your work as a long form scholarly work may differ to journal publication. We will look at the book publishing process and what a book proposal form looks like as well as how to approach editors with your work in the first place. The session also touches on literary agents and how they may be useful to you.
By the end of the workshop you will have:
- Considered a range of different types of scholarly books that might be options for publication. Including, monographs, trade press, textbooks, edited collections and more.
- Seen examples of book proposal forms and considered what one might contain.
- Been introduced to the idea of a literary agent and discussed where one might to useful to you.
Led by:
Julie Robinson, Scholarly Communications Manager, The Library
Thursday 2 April 2020
15.00 - 16.30
Library Seminar Room, Floor 2, The Library
Any questions?
Workshop content:
Julie Robinson
Scholarly Communication Manager, The Library
Workshop arrangements:
Jane Cooper
Administrative Assistant, Organisational Development
Ext: 24893