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Research Active Staff (RAS): Planning your Publication Strategy - Social and Informal Publishing

(A collaboration between Student Careers and Skills and The Library)

What is involved in the publication process and how is this changing? What are the new requirements researchers have to think about when publishing? This series of workshops is for research students and RAS who would like to find out more about the publication process.

Who should attend?
University of Warwick Research Active Staff (staff on Research-focussed, Teaching-focussed and Research & Teaching contracts) and PhD Students.

Workshop Objectives:
It can be tempting to stick to more traditional forms of scholarly publishing but this session will introduce new and more informal approaches to publishing your work that can have significant advantages to scholars. The session will also cover some of the key considerations you will need to have when approaching these types of publication and some approaches to evaluating the impact of the work published this way.

By the end of the workshop you will have:

  • Investigated the range of options available to you in this space for the dissemination of your work
  • Discussed some of the issues and concerns about using these forms of publication
  • Gone into further depth about alternative metrics and what they can tell you about the reach of your work.

Led by:
Julie Robinson, Scholarly Communications Manager, The Library

Previously Ran Workshops in the Planning your Publication Strategy Series 2018/9:

Conference Papers
Tuesday 5 March 2019, 14.00 - 15.30, Wolfson 1 & 2, The Research Exchange, Floor 3 The Library

Workshops in the Planning your Publication Strategy Series 2018/9 that have already taken place:

Scholarly Books
Thursday 14 February 2019, 13.30 - 15.00, Wolfson 2, The Research Exchange, Floor 3 The Library





Any questions?

Workshop content:

Julie Robinson 
Scholarly Communications Manager, The Library

Sandy Sparks 
Organisational Development Consultant, Research Active Staff, Organisational Development
Ext: 74121

Workshop arrangements:
Jane Cooper 
Administrative Assistant, Organisational Development
Ext: 24893