Statistics Seminar: Embedding Statistics Effectively in Research
Course overview | Date, venue & booking |
The aim is to explore successful embedding of statistics in research, funding proposals and academic writing.
Simon French will discuss how to approach statistics in different aspects of your work as a researcher to gain successful outcomes. Some of the pitfalls will be discussed along with when and how to seek expert advice, leading to intelligent collaboration across disciplines. The session will also include some examples of good practice from colleagues in different fields at Warwick:
Who is it for? All research active staff at Warwick Led by: Simon French (Director of RISCU) |
Date: Thursday 16 January 2014 Time: 12.00-1.45pm Venue: Room 1, Wolfson Research Exchange Catering provided: Refreshments and a 'bag lunch' on arrival Any questions? Administration arrangements: Contact Abi Render: or ext. 24959, LDC admin support Workshop content: Sandy Sparks, or ext. 74121, Learning Development Centre |