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Wind Orchestra


The University of Warwick Wind Orchestra is one of the largest wind groups in the country and welcomes wind, brass and percussion players of all standards with no audition required. The ensemble is organised as a Society of the Students' Union and is run entirely by a student committee with the help of the Music Centre. Despite the open nature of this society, it achieves very high standards, attaining Silver, Gold and Platinum awards on a regular basis at the National Concert Band Festivals. The Orchestra is conducted by the student conductors chosen from the ensemble and a guest professional conductor.


A wide-ranging repertoire from concert band classics to lighter, contemporary tunes.


Monday evenings, 18:00 - 20:30 in term-time. There is a strong emphasis on the social life with gatherings after the weekly rehearsal every Monday evening and regular evening events held locally.


Recent tours have included locations such as Scotland, Strasbourg, Salzburg, Munich , Reims (including outings to Luxembourg and Disneyland Paris), Germany, Holland Prague & Budapest with the Brass Society.


Concerts are performed throughout the year in venues ranging from the prestigious Butterworth Hall on campus to the more intimate St Nicholas Church, Kenilworth and the Students' Union, as well as other venues, both inside and outdoors in the local area. Concerts have been performed with professional musicians such as the percussionist Evelyn Glennie, Simon Hogg on trombone, and with Bob Sherman as narrator of Pioneer 10 (a rock musical for wind orchestra and chorus).

Beginners' Wind Scheme

In order to get more people involved with music at the University and to provide those with little musical experience an opportunity to get involved, the Wind Orchestra have the Beginners' Wind scheme. This provides free lessons to students wanting to begin playing and potentially join the orchestra.

Lessons are provided by members of the Wind Orchestra with experience in their own instruments, and are arranged with the students independently to provide a lot more flexibility.

The orchestra has recently purchased a new flute, clarinet, and alto saxophone for the Beginner's Wind scheme which are available for use by those taking part.

If you would be interested in taking part in the scheme (either as a teacher or student) feel free to email or alternatively come and speak to any of the exec in person.



wind-exec at windorchestra dot co dot uk