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Two-day Impact Case Study Writing Bootcamps/ Retreats


These sessions are designed to support more advanced case studies. The two-day retreats offer structured time and space for case study leads to write or rewrite narratives, alongside support from an external impact consultant and a R&IS Research Impact Manager offering specialist advice on REF writing. The bootcamp/ retreats will be held at Radcliffe conference space and will include lunch and refreshments.

Who should attend?

REF2021 Impact Case study Leads and teams

Bootcamp/ Retreat objectives

Attendees will be provided the time to write or rewrite their case studies incorporating the:

  • Articulation of the non-academic impact of research
  • Link impact to the underpinning research
  • Utilisation of 'good' evidence and how to incorporate effectively within the case study
  • Convincing statement conveying reach and significance

16/17 January 2020


Start - 9am

Finish - 5pm

Refreshments and lunch available

Any questions?

Workshop content:

Katie Klaassen

R&IS. Ext:24520

Workshop arrangements:

Nicola Jayaram