RCT blog
This blog is an opportunity for students to read and share stories and experiences of residential life at university. It’s a space to find out more about how students before you have navigated their residential journey; what worked and also what didn’t, things you need to know and things you may not have thought about!
Our mission is to create a positive study and workplace wellbeing environment and a space for wellbeing conversations and contemplation.
We strive to build a community where wellbeing is a shared value and responsibility.
We treat everyone and every voice with respect and the right to remain anonymous.
If you have something you think would be useful to discuss or would like to contribute to the blog about your own experiences, please use our submission form to submit your blog, article or to give a suggestion for a future topic.
Security Alert - targeted spoofing campaign (June 2023)
Please be aware that a few students have been targeted in a telephone spoofing scam over the last few days. The caller has claimed that payments to the University have been unsuccessful and asked for an immediate payment.
In this instance, they claimed to be from Warwick Accommodation, but we are aware that attackers can change their methods, so we ask you to remain vigilant.
If you receive a phone call, from any source, asking you to supply your bank details or other personal information, or if you have any concerns at all, please do not provide any details and hang up straight away.
Scam callers may try to make you feel pressured and rush you, so it’s important to stop and think, and end the call if you have any concerns at all.
Reporting incidents and accessing support
If you receive a scam phone call or communication, even if you are unsure if it’s a scam communication or not, please let the helpdesk know by phone at 024 765 73737 or via email at helpdesk@warwick.ac.uk.
If you fall victim to a scam and lose money, have shared information with a caller or online, or if you need immediate support, please contact Community Safety at 024 765 22083. The team are available every day of the week, 24 hours a day, so please do seek our support.
Scammers are often highly sophisticated in the methods they use and there is no shame in falling victim to a scam. The most important thing is to report it as soon as possible and get help.