RCT blog
This blog is an opportunity for students to read and share stories and experiences of residential life at university. It’s a space to find out more about how students before you have navigated their residential journey; what worked and also what didn’t, things you need to know and things you may not have thought about!
Our mission is to create a positive study and workplace wellbeing environment and a space for wellbeing conversations and contemplation.
We strive to build a community where wellbeing is a shared value and responsibility.
We treat everyone and every voice with respect and the right to remain anonymous.
If you have something you think would be useful to discuss or would like to contribute to the blog about your own experiences, please use our submission form to submit your blog, article or to give a suggestion for a future topic.
Global Connections Hosts is recruiting now!
Hello all,
We, the Student Community Experience team, are looking to recruit two current students at the University of Warwick for this exciting part-time role! The Global Connections Hosts will work closely with the team to support our planning and organisation of upcoming activities, as well as to deliver a range of social events designed to help students from a range of backgrounds to connect and share across cultures. I'd like to share our gallery pageLink opens in a new window, so you can see some of our cultural event photos, such as the Lunar New Year, Holi Colour Party and Day of the Dead Celebration etc.
If you're interested, find out more information here Link opens in a new windowand apply it! The application will close on Sunday, 21 May.
The Student Community Experience team