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About social inclusion

There is much to celebrate in our progress on social inclusion, but we need to do more. We want to create a community for staff and students where diversity is celebrated, differences of opinion are welcomed and respected, and prejudice and socially unacceptable behaviours are never tolerated.


Learn about the vision for social inclusion at Warwick below:


We launched the University’s Social Inclusion Strategy in August 2019 as a framework to deliver our ambition to remove economic, social and cultural barriers that have prevented people from working, studying, and succeeding at Warwick.


A range of experts and dedicated staff and students across the University support our commitment to improving inclusion. The Social Inclusion team provide advice, guidance, and consultation, to teams across the University to ensure that inclusion is embedded in all of Warwick’s work.


The Equality Act became law in 2010, bringing separate pieces of legislation into a single framework for tackling discrimination. The Act covers nine 'protected characteristics', outlines prohibited conduct, includes the Public Sector Equality Duty, and gives provisions for positive action.

Our Dignity Principles set out our expectations of how we behave as a community - as individuals and as an institution.

These principles facilitate an environment with the ability to voice ideas at its core, a place in which staff and students operate with mutual respect, with the confidence that equality of opportunity is accessible to all. These principles underpin our desire to give students and staff the best experience possible whilst studying and working here.