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Excellence in Gender Equality Award

Excellence in Gender Equality Awards

The 2023 Excellence in Gender Equality Awards winners are Ares Osborn, Anne Wilson, Marie-Therese Wolfram, the IDG Development and Leadership Programme, and the Maskulinities Project!

Our winners were recognised for a range of work to promote gender equality at Warwick. We also recognised a number of runners up as 'Highly Commended' and 'Commended'. Read more about everyone recognised in our 2023 awards here.

Thanks to everyone who made a nomination. And a big thank you to everyone engaged in gender equality work at the University.

Our Athena Swan Self-Assessment Team and Gender Taskforce have created the Excellence in Gender Equality Awards to celebrate individuals and teams making a positive difference on gender equality across the University and share best practice.

There are three awards, to recognise an individual staff member, a student, and a team who have contributed to the enhancement of gender equality here at Warwick during the last two years, through a commitment to building more inclusive environments and experiences in their everyday behaviours or delivery of specific initiatives.

The winners will receive a certificate and a very special trophy - the trophy was designed through a staff competition (won by Ant Brewerton, read more about his design here) and is made in-house by our School of Engineering.

In addition, our runners up are are recognised with the presentation of 'Highly Commended' and 'Commended' certificates.

We look forward to receiving your incredible submissions!

The award is open to all staff and students. Staff and students can nominate themselves, their teams, and others.

Use the form below to submit your nomination. This can be a video (max. 5 minutes) or a description (max. 500 words plus illustrations). Videos can be upload or you can include a link to an external hosting platform (e.g., YouTube). Your nominated activity must have taken place within the last two years.

The award is not currently open for nominations.

Check back soon for more details.


This form is closed and is no longer accepting any submissions. Thank you for your time.

Read the Social Inclusion Annual Report for more about social inclusion at Warwick and the action we're taking.

The Social Inclusion Annual Report highlights the work that has been taking place across the University over the last year, and how it is helping us to meet our Social Inclusion Strategy objectives to increase the diversity of our staff and student communities, develop an inclusive culture, and become an internationally recognised leader in inclusion.