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Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find answers to some frequently asked questions, if you have any other questions please get in touch at .


What if I can’t make one of the dates?

To get the most out of the programme you need to be available for all workshops. You will be split into groups for the coaching circles so only need to be available one group session/month.


If I can only make the coaching sessions for Group 1 can I request to be in that group?

Yes we will try and accommodate the groups according to your availability.


Do I need to attend 9 coaching circle sessions?

No you only need to attend 3. You will be allocated a group and will need to be available for the sessions for that group only.


Will there be more opportunities if I can’t make these dates?

We will evaluate the programme’s success after completion and in consultation with the attendees will decide if there is merit in delivering it again.


What if my line manager can’t attend?

Unfortunately if your line manager is not available you won’t be able to attend the pilot programme.


I have a dotted line to a different manager - can they attend?

Yes, as long as that manager has some influence over your career.

How will places be allocated?

We will allocate places on a first come, first served basis for those who are able to make the dates.


How many places are available?

There are 24 spaces for women aspiring leaders and 24 line managers.


Do I need to be in the same Coaching Circle Group as my manager?

No this is not necessary.


How is the programme funded?

Social Inclusion have funded this programme so there are no direct costs for departments.