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EY Programme Impact

Photo: Work experience at WMG.

Core Programme delivery

The programme consists of five key elements:

  1. Employability training.
  2. Financial Literacy.
  3. CV and LinkedIn Profiles
  4. Business Experience.
  5. Keeping in touch sessions/engagement sessions.
  6. Mentoring/Coaching.

Photo: Work experience with the legal team.

Staff Volunteering Highlights

  • "Knowing that we have made a small difference to a young person's confidence in potentially gaining employment in the future."
  • "The chance to help show a young person work life and the different things they could do."
  • "Seeing the development of the student's experience over the time they were here."

Photo: Young people on the programme.

Young people's highlights

  • "I have gained insight on emotional wellbeing from this programme."
  • "My highlight was attending work experience with a Legal team."
  • "I have made lifelong friends and accomplished travelling to and from places by myself and I never thought I'd be able to do that."
  • "It’s supporting me in ways I can achieve my goals and that I make sure that I stick to my plans.” Student reflecting on mentoring.

Warwick Intern Programme

As a result of the partnership with the EY Foundation and engaging in Employability Programmes, the Social Inclusion Team have launched an Internship Programme, aimed at young adults who have participated in EY Programmes.

In 2022, one Intern undertook a six month placement.

In September,2023, the programme expanded and three Interns started a 12 month Internship, predominantly placed in the Social Inclusion Team, with placements in other host departments (Legal, International, Regional and IDG) one day per week to enhance their professional development.

In September 2024, we will host another three interns on a 12 month Internship, this time around two interns will go out into host departments (Inclusive Education and WMS) 3.5 days per week, one will remain with Social Inclusion.

During the 12 months Internship, the Interns will undertake a Level 3 qualification, and have plenty of opportunity to develop personally and professionally.

Lets hear from our 2023-24 interns on their experience so far:

What department are you working in, and what have you learnt during your time so far on the internship? Sheerah - I am currently working in the Strategy Department at the University as a Social Inclusion & Regional Strategy Intern. Throughout my internship, I have gained invaluable insights into project and event management as well as Data Analysis. This experience has not only allowed me to apply concepts learned in academic settings but has also provided a real-world context for professional development.

Do you have any thoughts for anyone thinking of starting and EY Programme, or undertaking an Internship? Destiny - It's an opportunity that comes once in a lifetime, it will open ways into a career that you thought would never be in and you can gain so many experiences and know people that share the same passion as you.

What has been your biggest personal achievement since starting your intern programme? Kristina - Being able to chair a meeting, getting lots of experience by taking on 2 other placements and getting to know other people from the office.

1. Why did you sign up to an EY programme?

"The Your Futures Programme has helped me with one of the biggest barriers I have had in my life, I can finally walk into a room and feel like it doesn’t matter where I am from, I can do this."

I had just finished sixth form and I was completely confused about what I wanted to do next, I wasn’t confident in applying for jobs or apprenticeships as my interview skill and CV were lacking in certain areas. My older sister had previously worked with EY Foundation in the past while she was in school on one of their fundraising Treks to the Sahara Desert, I wasn’t sure about what EY was but I gave it a shot because it seemed like it would’ve been a good opportunity to benefit me as a person and gain experience and life skills for whatever I chose to do next.

2. What did you learn about yourself from your experience?

The Your Futures Programme has helped me with one of the biggest barriers I have had in my life, I can finally walk into a room and feel like it doesn’t matter where I am from, I can do this. It has taught me that there are so many options out there in the world and there are many different paths to reach your goals.

3. What element of the programme did you find most valuable that supported your personal development?

The work experience really helped with my personal development, this was done when I had to present a PowerPoint on how the company could improve in various areas such as customer interactions, dealing with complaints and how they engage and advertise their company.

4. As a result of the EY Programme, we have started a 12-month internship at Warwick. What department are you working in, and what have you learnt during your internship?

I am working in the Social Inclusion department and during my time here I have managed to learn so much about the social inclusion team. I have managed to shadow some of my colleagues at their meetings, taking notes, registering attendance, and learning about what each meeting is about, for example I have attended meetings with my colleagues, Claire and Lorraine. I learnt from this area of work that to see change you must make a change to see the results you want, being able to sit in meetings and hear people’s concerns within the university and being able to come together and help find solutions was truly fascinating to hear.

"I think the programme is completely worth it... it was one of the best decisions I made and it truly opened doors for me, I’ve managed to network and meet people that can support me on my journey and I’m truly grateful... my mentors and careers coaches genuinely care and believe in me."

I also managed to go and visit another one of my colleagues Nick, who is based at a primary school in Worcester, there I got to have an off timetable day and learn and see what Nick works on and does, it was one of my favourite experiences so far during my internship, I managed to work and assist some of the children with their work and talk to some of them about their school experience, being able to be put in classrooms and immerse and engage myself with the children was a great learning experience for not only them but mostly myself, it gave me an idea of the work sector I’d like to go in and maybe what I’d want to do career wise.

5. Do you have any thoughts you wish to share with anyone considering signing up to the programme, or staff who may wish to volunteer to support the programmes?

Just do it, no matter how scared you’re felling, I think the programme is completely worth it. I was really sceptical and nervous about signing up initially but it was one of the best decisions I made and it truly opened doors for me, I’ve managed to network and meet people that can support me on my journey and I’m truly grateful, It doesn’t matter what your background is or where you’re from, my mentors and careers coaches genuinely care and believe in me, I’m an overthinker and I have a bad tendency of thinking the worst of myself or believing I’m not smart or clever enough to achieve what I want and I end up selling myself short, Having done the EY programme, I gained so much confidence in myself and it truly helped with my self esteem and navigating the step into further education or the world of work.