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Warwick Inclusion Conference

Warwick Inclusion Conference

11 June 2024 - Scarman

We were delighted to run our third Warwick Inclusion Conference on 11 June 2024. Explore the programme and catch up on the conference highlights.

Conference attendees from 2023 clapping at the keynote speech

Why attend?

  • 35+ staff and student speakers including inspiring keynote speaker Bea Marshall, a Neurodiversity Expert and Consultant
  • 11 breakout sessions to share practice, make connections and collaborate
  • Interactive panel discussions and poetry
  • Social Inclusion Award with increased interactivity
  • The opportunity to celebrate diversity and inclusion and reflect on our collective progress as a University

Delegates listening to a conference session

Attendee Feedback

"I really enjoyed the diverse range of sessions that I attended but particularly the practical aspects of the presentations as well as the student voice that was included. I felt like I could actually *do* things as a result of attending which is so valuable in an area that can feel so overwhelming, large or just out of the control of an individual."

Catch up on the highlights from our 2022Link opens in a new window and 2023Link opens in a new window conferences.

Bea Marshall headshot - Bea wears a bright flowery dress against a graffiti wall

Keynote Speaker - Bea Marshall

Based in the UK, and working with clients around the world, Bea is a Neurodiversity Education and Consultant who is passionate about helping businesses and individuals move from a place of struggle to thriving.

She helps businesses and individuals to thrive by combining education, training, energy therapy and her Autistic lived experience, so you can experience more joy, peace, connection and ease in every area of your life.

Conference attendees gathered around 3 square tables listening to a speaker

What other sessions can I expect?

  • What would you do? Empowering yourself to be an active bystander
  • Neurodiversity in the workplace
  • Navigating linguistic diversity at Warwick
  • The Pass/Fail Awarding Gap
  • Diverse and Inclusive Recruitment Toolkit
  • The Pack: Facilitating inclusion and empowerment in gaming
  • Taking care of yourself and others
  • And many more...