Warwick Inclusion Conference - Programme
Warwick Inclusion Conference 2024 - Programme
The conference will provide an opportunity to share practice, generate ideas, reflect on what it means to be an inclusive institution and celebrate our collective achievements and progress so far.
Event overview
Scarman Conference Centre
Tuesday 11 June 2024
Arrival from 09:00 for a 09:30 start. The conference is due to close at 16:55 and will be followed by an optional informal social.
Arrival from 9:00am
9:30-10:00 - Welcome and Introduction
Tea and coffee will be available in Scarman Lounge on arrival

10:00-11:00 - Keynote with Bea Marshall
Based in the UK, and working with clients around the world, Bea is a Neurodiversity Educator and Consultant who is passionate about helping businesses and individuals move from a place of struggle to thriving.
She helps businesses and individuals to thrive by combining education, training, energy therapy and her Autistic lived experience, so you can experience more joy, peace, connection and ease in every area of your life.
11:00-11:15 - Break, refreshments and move to next session
Session 1 -
What would you do?: Empowering Active Bystanders in Institutional Spaces
Managing Neurodivergent staff and workplace adjustments
The Pass/Fail Awarding Gap in the MBChB Programme
The Pack: Facilitating inclusion and empowerment in gaming
Navigating Linguistic Diversity at Warwick
12:15 -13:00 - Lunch
13:00 -13:45 - Senior Leadership Panel Session
Join us for a panel session with some of Warwick's Senior Leadership team - Michael Scott, Emma Flynn and Rachel Moseley.
In the panel, we will explore the theme of wellbeing. You can submit a questionLink opens in a new window in advance using our online form.
13:45-13:55 - Travel to next session
Session 2 -
Inclusive Recruitment - what is positive action?
Beyond Labels: Exploring neurodiversity through an intersectional lens
Feel free to insult me...
14:40-14:55 - Break and travel to next session
Session 3 -
Managing stress and anxiety: Practical tools for calming, grounding and reconnecting
Understanding wellbeing and remaining well
I see you... A creative invitation and exploration
15:55 - 16:05 - Break and travel to next session

16:05-16:45 - Keynote with Ife Thomas
Ife Thomas is a motivational speaker, author and coach who is an authority on mindset, confidence, mental health and the power of connection. As an autistic, black female who was abandoned by her birth parents when she was just six weeks’ old, Ife has experienced a lot of adversity in her life but she’s become an expert in turning her pain into power. She’s passionate about sharing her story and using it to inspire others.
She will be exploring how to take ownership of your voice, self-advocacy, and the value of connection through her keynote speech 'Own Your Shine'.
16:45-16:55 - Social Inclusion Award, Poetry, and Close
Our poetry will be performed by Ralph HoyteLink opens in a new window. Ralph Hoyte is a Bristol based augmented sound artist, poet and writer who specialises in declamatory poetry.
17:00-18:00 - Post-conference celebration and social
Join us for an informal social with non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks available.