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Sign&Sing Choir

Sign&Sing Choir

Welcome to the University of Warwick Sign&Sing Choir!

The Sign&Sing Choir initially started in May 2020, our aim was to learn to sign and sing a couple of songs to showcase at the planned Warwick Wellbeing Week - then the COIVD-19 lockdown was announced. Undeterred, we have continued to meet online and learn songs together since!

This a choir like no other. We learn British Sign Language alongside singing our favourite pop songs. We meet on Zoom one lunchtime a week for 30 minutes. We sing a lot, laugh a lot, and learn a lot! Choir members are from all areas of the University and everyone - staff and students - is welcome to join!

You don’t need to know how to sign beforehand (most of us don’t) and you don’t even need to know how to sing at all as participants are muted and sing with the voice recording. We are always taking it step by step and practising the signs and the lyrics before attempting the full song.

It is a fun way to spend a lunchtime, connect with people and get out of your seat! You can join for as little or as much of each session as you want and for as many or few sessions as you want (there is no attendance record). You can find videos of all of the songs we're currently practising on this Padlet.

To receive calendar invitations for our upcoming sessions, please register by completing the form below.

We hope to see you soon!


I would like to join the choir and I am happy to be contacted weekly with the zoom ID and password (required)

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The Social Inclusion Annual Report highlights the work that has been taking place across the University over the last year, and how it is helping us to meet our Social Inclusion Strategy objectives to increase the diversity of our staff and student communities, develop an inclusive culture, and become an internationally recognised leader in inclusion.

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