What does inclusion mean to us at Warwick?

We launched the University’s Social Inclusion Strategy in August 2019 as a framework to deliver our ambition of a place where everyone has the opportunity to reach their potential. One of the strategic objectives outlined in our Social Inclusion Strategy is to develop a culture of inclusion where diversity is recognised, understood and valued, and leaders are role models for inclusive behaviours.
We are keen to find out what that means for us at Warwick and what we are doing to make our strategy come to life and live up to our values, so we are inviting you to share your views or actions. We’d love you to share your photo or an image that represents inclusion to you. We’ll be sharing what you send to us on our webpages and at the Social Inclusion conference in June 2024.
Our executive board are leading the way, you can read their contributions below (click the highlighted names to expand ) . And I’m sharing what it means to me:
In a university inclusion is about creating a culture where talent is nurtured, knowledge is created and exchanged, and our campus is welcoming. We can do this by understanding what we owe each other as human beings, and for me that means valuing the people our actions and work impacts on.
Kulbir Shergill, Director of Social Inclusion

We want to hear from you
Share your thoughts, including any images that represents inclusion to you:

Read responses
See what our community has shared about inclusion at Warwick:
Responses from our Executive Board:

Professor Stuart Croft, Vice Chancellor
What does inclusion mean to you? "It is so important to recognise that talent is everywhere, but opportunity is not. And that means constantly considering context for real inclusive practice for all in our community, and indeed beyond."

Professor Emma Flynn, Provost
What one thing will you do to help Warwick have a more inclusive community? "I believe universities – and all organsiations – will be improved by diversity of opinions, skills, histories, and experiences. And all the evidence shows that is the case, so it’s functionally the right thing to do. But it’s also morally the right thing to do; I want everybody to have the same opportunities and not to have doors closed for some people.
As I’m new to Warwick, it’s hard to say what needs to be done, but in the first instance I will listen. I want to hear what other people think I should do, I think it is not always about me having all the answers, it’s going to those diverse groups and finding out what they think. And then I will reflect on everything I hear and work out what I think should be done.
I will also take the privileged position I have, not just within the university but in other spaces too with funders, other universities, and industrial sectors, and look at and share best practice and lobby for change within our own organisation and elsewhere."

Professor Lorenzo Frigerio, Pro-Vice Chancellor (Education)
What does inclusion mean to you? "Inclusion for me is the ability for everyone to contribute the best version of themselves to our community. We are lucky to have incredibly talented, creative, enthusiastic people and we want everyone to feel they are supported to do their best work. In my role I am very keen to ensure that each person working to make education at Warwick excellent and distinctive can do so in the knowledge feeling that their contribution is important and valued."

Professor Caroline Meyer, Pro-Vice Chancellor (Research)
What one thing will you do to help Warwick have a more inclusive community? "I am very keen that we foster a research culture that allows all our researchers to thrive. I am particularly concerned that some groups of our students and colleagues are less likely to secure PhD positions, research roles and research funding than others, and some may feel marginalised in our research community. Through our commitment to improving research culture we have several on-going projects directly aimed at addressing these important issues and I am personally committed to this."

Michael Scott, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (International)
What one thing will you do to help Warwick have a more inclusive community? "I believe passionately in the value and importance of nurturing diversity and inclusion – in our community and in those with which we interact. As Pro-Vice-Chancellor (International) I am working with people across the University to develop a greater programme of inter-cultural campus activities, which can celebrate our diversity as a community, help all of us learn about one another’s cultures and ensure that everyone feels included and at home at Warwick. It is my hope that all our students – whether from the UK or from anywhere around the globe – will be able to take the global understanding and respect for cultural diversity they develop here at Warwick with them wherever – and to whichever communities – their journeys take them next."

Rosie Drinkwater, Group Finance Director
What one thing will you do to help Warwick have a more inclusive community? "I will continue to champion women in leadership and help and mentor the extremely talented people who ask me for support from across our diverse community."

Chris Hunt, Commercial Director
What does inclusion mean to you? "A friend of mine once introduced me to the phrase “diversity is being invited to the party, inclusion is being asked to dance”. It’s a simple metaphor, but I enjoy the distinction this makes between representation and involvement. Inclusion to me means equal access no matter what. It means listening to people. It means extending the invite to everyone. It means asking them to dance."

Dr Chris Twine, Secretary to Council
What one thing will you do to help Warwick have a more inclusive community? "My role involves working with a diverse group of external Council and committee members who bring with them a wealth of knowledge and insight into “what works” in promoting inclusion and belonging. I am also keen we bring their learning from the organisations they have worked with to further guide and inform our actions. I will also ensure all members of Council and external members of our other committees remain updated and supportive of the work we are already doing – such as adopting the Inclusive Education Model, promoting the Inspire leadership programme and developing an anti-racism toolkit."

Raja-Saleem Javaid, Chief Information and Transformation Officer
What does inclusion mean to you? "Inclusion, to me, means actively advocating for an environment where everyone feels valued and supported. It involves using inclusive communication, recognising and challenging biases, and listening empathetically to others. By nurturing a culture of respect, safety, and diversity, and by supporting colleagues in reaching their goals, we foster an inclusive atmosphere. Additionally, building diverse networks helps broaden perspectives and contributes to an inclusive environment. Incorporating these behaviours creates a space where everyone can thrive and contribute their unique strengths and experiences."

Ajay Teli, Chief Communications and Marketing Officer
What does inclusion mean to you? "Social inclusion embodies the transformative power of acceptance and equality. As a British Indian, I have personally experienced the significance of inclusion in various aspects of my life. Working in diverse environments has highlighted the importance of creating spaces where individuals from different backgrounds feel respected, supported, and celebrated for their unique perspectives and contributions. Social inclusion means fostering an environment where everyone feels valued, regardless of their race, ethnicity, or cultural background. It is about breaking down barriers, embracing diversity, and actively working towards a society where everyone has an equal opportunity to thrive and be their authentic selves. By embracing social inclusion, we pave the way for a more compassionate and harmonious world where diversity is tolerated, cherished, and embraced."