Tennis classes for kids

Junior tennis coaching
Experience playing tennis in a fun atmosphere and develop your tennis skills, tactics and techniques.
Book a free trial
Get in touch with your child's age and tennis experience for a free trial.
tenniscentre at warwick dot ac dot uk
Kids tennis for ages 3-16 years old
Suitable for all abilities
Sessions for players with disabilities
Tots, junior and teenage tennis lessons
Delivered by qualified LTA Accredited coaching team
Courses run in line with school terms. Each session is £7.50 per hour, with payments taken as a termly block.
Blue tennis
- 3-5 years old
Played on a badminton sized court with larger sponge tennis balls and 17-19 inch racquets.
A kids tennis class that teaches generic sports and classroom skills in a tennis environment.
Red tennis
- 6-8 years old
Played on a badminton sized court with sponge tennis balls and 19-23 inch racquets.
Teaches both generic and tennis specific skills. Basic rules and games are introduced alongside basic technical points.
Orange tennis
- 8-9 years old
Played on a three quarter sized tennis court over a lowered tennis net with 50% pressurised balls and 25 inch racquets.
Teaches basic techniques and tactics in a fun environment.
Green tennis
- 9-10 years old
Played on a full sized tennis court over a lowered tennis net with 75% pressurised balls and 26 inch racquets.
Teaches basic techniques and tactics in a fun environment.
Yellow tennis
- 11+ years old
Played on a full sized tennis court with fully pressurised balls and 27 inch racquets.
Youth tennis lessons provide technical and tactical support in game based scenarios.
Performance tennis
Our extensive performance tennis programme is suitable for all ages and attracts some of the best players in the region. To discuss our performance programme, please get in touch.
tenniscentre at warwick dot ac dot uk