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Career Preparation

Prepare yourself for a successful career in the UK with our comprehensive online sessions. Whether you're looking to understand the job market, gain relevant work experience, or perfect your CV and cover letter, these sessions are designed to equip you with the essential tools and knowledge. Join us to gain insights from experts, hear personal success stories, and receive tailored advice to enhance your employability and job application success.

Preparing for the UK job Market (non-graduate scheme jobs)

13:00 - 14:00

Careers Team

Book your place

Join us for an insightful session on navigating the UK job market for non-graduate scheme jobs. This session will cover:

  • An overview of the current UK job market and effective approaches to job searching.
  • Guidance on platforms for job applications and maximising university career services.
  • Tips on becoming work-ready and gaining valuable UK work experience.
  • Detailed information on securing graduate jobs and the significance of UK experience for permanent positions.

Getting UK Work Experience

14:30 - 15:30

Unitemps, International Student Ambassadors

Book your place

Discover how to gain valuable work experience in the UK through this engaging session. Topics include:

  • Strategies for finding part-time or full-time contract work through Unitemps.
  • Insights on making the most of temporary work opportunities.
  • Personal experiences and advice from international student ambassadors who have worked with Unitemps.

CV and Cover letter

16:00 - 16:30

Careers Team

Book your place

Enhance your job application documents with this focused session. You will learn:

  • How to tailor your CV and cover letter specifically for UK graduate jobs.
  • Key tips and strategies to make your application stand out to potential employers.
  • Information on booking one-on-one in-person sessions for personalised advice on Wednesday.