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In-Person Networking and Workshops

Wednesday is all about in-person interaction, offering a diverse mix of networking opportunities, personalised workshops, and recreational activities. This day is designed to immerse you in valuable face-to-face sessions that will help you build and strengthen your professional network. Engage directly with peers, mentors, and industry professionals, gaining hands-on support and practical advice tailored to your unique needs. Enjoy the perfect balance of productive learning and fun activities, all aimed at enhancing your career readiness and personal well-being. Take advantage of this opportunity to connect deeply with the community, expand your horizons, and relax in a supportive and engaging environment.

Student Networking

10:00 - 16:00

facilitated by International Student Ambassadors

Central area, Student Opportunity.

Booking not required.

Spend the day networking with peers, grabbing snacks, and participating in workshops. This in-person space allows you to:

  • Dip in and out throughout the day, providing a relaxed environment for building connections.
  • Engage in various activities and workshops tailored to your interests and needs.
  • Enjoy light refreshments while networking and learning.

CV check and 1-2-1 sessions

10:00 - 12:30

Careers Team

SH0.08, Student Opportunity Hub.

Booking not required.

Receive detailed CV checks and personalized advice in individual sessions. This event offers:

  • One-on-one support from the Careers Team to ensure your CV is polished and tailored to your career goals.
  • 15-20 minute dedicated time for personalised feedback and guidance.

Visa Q&A

13:00 - 14:00

Immigration Advisors

Student Opportunity Hub.

Booking not required.

Drop-in session with immigration advisers to answer any visa-related questions you may have. This session provides:

  • Accurate and personalised advice on visa issues.
  • An opportunity to get all your visa concerns addressed in a supportive and informative setting.
  • Direct access to knowledgeable immigration advisers.

Tackling rejections and imposter syndrome

14:00 - 14:30

Careers Team

Book your place

Learn effective strategies for dealing with job rejections and overcoming imposter syndrome. This session will:

  • Provide practical tools and techniques to build resilience.
  • Help you maintain confidence during your job search and professional journey.
  • Offer support and advice from experienced career professionals.

Board Games and Chat

13:30 - 15:30

Warwick Presents

FAB 3.26 & 3.35

Book your place

Enjoy desserts and board games while networking with fellow students. This event includes:

  • An informal setting for professional networking.
  • Delicious desserts and a variety of board games to foster connections.
  • An opportunity to unwind and enjoy some fun while meeting new people.

How to Ace Interviews

15:30 - 16:00

Careers Team

Book your place

Get tips and strategies for succeeding in job interviews. This session will cover:

  • Key techniques for interview preparation and performance.
  • Information on mock interviews provided by the central careers team.
  • Strategies to boost your confidence and improve your interview skills.

Meet with Alumni Team (drop-in)

13:00 - 16:00

Alumni Team

Warwick Arts Centre (past Benugos) or Rootes Building (1st floor).

Booking not required.

Drop by the Warwick Art Centre to talk with the Alumni team as part of the graduation ceremony. This session offers:

  • Informal conversations with alumni to learn about their experiences.
  • Insights into life after graduation and staying connected with the university.
  • Networking opportunities with the alumni community.

Got a business idea? Support we offer (drop-in)

13:00 - 16:00

Warwick Enterprise

Student Opportunity Hub.

Booking not required.

Explore the opportunity to convert your ideas into reality with support from Warwick Enterprise. This session will provide:

  • Information and guidance on turning your business ideas into successful ventures.
  • Opportunities to meet the enterprise team and get inspired to pursue your entrepreneurial dreams.
  • Support and resources to help you start your own business.

Rock up and play- Badminton

17:30 - 19:00

Warwick Sports

Sports Hub

Book your place

Take a break from your studies and play badminton. This event offers:

  • A fun and active session to unwind and stay fit.
  • Pre-booking to ensure you have a spot to play.
  • Opportunities to explore future recreational activities at the Sports Hub.

Book your free spot for the rock-up session in Warwick Sports