My primary interest is in using nanomaterials to engineer root nodulation. I am studying at the Gifford Lab in Warwick, in collaboration with the research groups of Dr Whitney and Dr Galan in Bristol, as part of the Synthetic Biology CDT.
Carbon nanodots are a fluorescent nanomaterial which can be "decorated" with a chemical outer layer - this can be anything from glucose (pictured) to a short DNA sequence. They are about 5 nanometres in diameter, easily made, photostable, and biocompatible.
Main Supervisor:
Dr Miriam Gifford
School of Life Sciences
University of Warwick,
Gibbet Hill Road, Coventry
M dot L dot Gifford at warwick dot ac dot uk
Dr Heather Whitney
School of Life Sciences
University of Bristol,
23 Tyndall Avenue, Bristol
Heather dot Whitney at bristol dot ac dot uk
Dr Carmen Galan
School of Chemistry
University of Bristol,
Cantock's Close, Bristol
M dot C dot Galan at bristol dot ac dot uk