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How to add a blog form to a SiteBuilder page

Objectives of this guide

This guide will demonstrate how to add a blog form to a SiteBuilder page. The form allows the reader of the page, if they are a member of the University and have a blog, to write a blog entry in response to the contents of the page. If the reader does not have a blog, it instructs them on how to get one. The blog entry is titled, categorised, and has its permissions set automatically by the form. There are also a series of templates available that can be used to automatically format or add content to the blog entry. For example, there is a template for writing meeting minutes.

Who is it for?

This guide is intended for those involved in writing online teaching content in SiteBuilder. It may also be used in team work and project work.

Estimated time

How long will it take you to do

How to use this guide

Print off, read through the guide, then follow each step in turn.


You must be a SiteBuilder page editor (ask your departmental web editor if you are not already a page editor). You should also be familiar with how to edit SiteBuilder pages as Raw HTML.