Our Courses | International Foundation Programme
Warwick IFP
Course Options
Pick one of our subject pathways to start your journey to your chosen undergraduate degree.
We have your future success in mind when we develop our foundation courses. We will equip you with the academic knowledge, skills and English Language ability you need to progress on to your chosen undergraduate degree. You’ll also develop your confidence and become part of our vibrant community here at Warwick.
You should start by thinking about the undergraduate degreeLink opens in a new window you want to study after the foundation programme. You will receive a guaranteed conditional offer for a relevant undergraduate degree at Warwick, so it’s important you pick the right foundation programme.
Key Facts
- All courses run for an academic year (September - June)
- Each course will contain our core modules of Inquiry and Research Skills, and English for Academic Purposes
- You can choose to study the IFP with an Extended Intensive English module (starts 6-weeks prior to main IFP)