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Are there internship opportunities for Engineering students?

Are there internship opportunities or industry placements for Engineering students?

Yes, the lntercalated Year opportunity is available for all of our courses and can be undertaken in between Y2 & Y3, or Y3 & Y4 for MEng. We have a dedicated Placement & Internship Officer who can provide assistance with placement applications, and who will monitor progress whilst on placement. We cannot guarantee placement and graduate opportunities as supply and demand in the private sector changes on a year-by-year basis. However, we have placed students previously at Arup, TATA, Jaguar Land Rover and Rolls-Royce.

In addition, there have been a number of industry professionals historically who have delivered guest lectures organised either by academics or by our student societies. There has also in the past been an annual careers fair attended by industry.


Answered by the School of Engineering
Answer published: June 2020. All answers given in good faith, responses may vary with time.

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