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10 Sustainable New Year’s Resolutions

Would you like to reduce your environmental impact? Setting a sustainable new year’s resolution can be a great way to make positive changes in your life. We can often go big on our resolutions and then struggle to stick to them, that’s why we want to suggest 10 easy and simple resolutions you can start to ease sustainability into your daily life. Follow our social media @WarwickUniSust for daily updates on our sustainable resolutions as well as weekly sustainable suggestions.

  1. Reduce your use of single use plastics
  2. Swap to an eco-product or try one sustainable activity a month
  3. Be wiser when shopping- only buy things you need
  4. Reduce food waste- freeze leftover, shop seasonally
  5. Meat free Mondays- go vegan or vegetarian for at least one day a week
  6. Reconsider your travel habits- take sustainable travel options to work or university
  7. Educate yourself on sustainability- read up on sustainability topics once a week.
  8. Take time outside- go for walks or take part in litter picks
  9. Shop zero waste- shop at refill stores and support sustainable businesses
  10. Get involved- become a Green Champion on campus and get involved in Green Week

Sustainable Resolutions