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Staff Christmas Message

Dear all, 

As Christmas is approaching, and many get into the Yuletide spirit, we are all looking forward to a well-earned break and a festive chance to recharge and see our friends and loved ones. 

During this time, please remain mindful of the sustainability of the season and its effects on your planet. Consider small, positive changes to make this year's and future years' celebrations one of joy for all 

Leaving the office: 

As you leave your office, remember to be mindful of energy usage over the break. To do this you can: 

New Year: 

You could make a sustainable New Years resolution for 2024, such as using more sustainable forms of transport, eating less meat and dairy products or venturing out for more walks to engage with nature. You could also go vegan for the month of January to take part in VeganuaryLink opens in a new window. 

You can follow us on @warwickunisust to see our Sustainable Christmas Tips series for more information and ideas on how you can be sustainable this Christmas. 

Kind regards, 

The Energy and Sustainability Team