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Wild Warwick Talks - Mammals and the Warwickshire Mammal Group

We have been running small mammal surveys with the help of Warwickshire Mammal Group to learn more about what species we share our campus with. To celebrate our furry neighbours during Wild WarwickLink opens in a new window, we have invited Warwickshire Mammal Group to introduce us to their work.

Join us to learn about mammals, including those we have recorded on campus to date, and find out how you can participate in activities such as upcoming small mammal surveys on campus.

After the talk, participants will have the opportunity to learn about building a camera tunnel for small mammals, and we will also provide an introduction to MammalWeb, which enables citizen scientists to contribute to a variety of important projects from the comfort of our homes!

Open to staff and students.

The talk is taking place in R0.14Link opens in a new window in the Ramphal Building on Wednesday 8th January 2025 between 11:30am and 12:30pm.

Places are limited so please sign up below to secure your place.

I would like to come along to the talk by the Warwickshire Mammal Group on 8th January between 11:30 am and 12:30 pm. (required)
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