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Wild Warwick Talks - Birds and the RSPB

Our lush campus hosts a wonderful variety of bird species. To celebrate bird life during Wild WarwickLink opens in a new window, we have invited the Coventry & Warwickshire Local Group of The Royal Society for the Protection of BirdsLink opens in a new window (RSPB) to introduce us to the Society's work.

Join us to learn about the charity that's been campaigning for birds since 1889, find out about some of the bird species we have on campus, and how you can participate in activities such as the Big Garden Birdwatch.

The Big Garden Birdwatch is an annual event run by the RSPB and is the worlds largest garden wildlife survey! In 2025, it will take place 24-26 January. Participating in this initiative only requires 1 hour a day yet it generates invaluable data on birds.

This event is open to staff and students.

The talk is taking place in R0.14Link opens in a new window in the Ramphal Building on Wednesday 22nd January 2025 between 12-1 pm.

Places are limited so sign-up is essential.

If you are no longer able to attend, please do let us know so that we can offer it to someone on the waiting list.

I would like to come along to the RSPB talk on 22nd January between 12-1pm. (required)
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