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Green Champions

Warwick’s Green Champions are keen for a green campus

With a network of over 1,000 students and 200 staff members from 40 different departments, Green Champions are putting sustainability at the heart of their University of Warwick experience.

The Green Champions network is open to all staff and students, so they can raise awareness of sustainability across the University community and identify opportunities for further improvement. There’s a wide range of activities for champions to participate in, from raising awareness on energy and water consumption to promoting sustainability in creative and engaging ways to the wider community.

They’ve already had a huge impact on our University. Student Green Champions have taken on Cut the Flow ambassador roles, a project that aims to reduce energy and water consumption across student accommodation. They’re also working to improve biodiversity and conserve wildlife on campus by recording species on campus, organising litter picks, and supporting the Hedgehog Friendly campus initiative that creates new habitats for animals.

A significant project Green Champions are a part of is Warwick Green Week, a time to celebrate the environment, educate on how to be more sustainable in our day-to-day lives, and to take action. This year, in 2023, the focus of the week was asking people to do Small Acts – something as small as biking to work one week instead of taking the car. Together these small acts will make a big difference.

The work of Green Champions will continue to make the University of Warwick a greener, healthier, and happier place to live, work, and study.  

The sustainability benefits

  • The Green Champions network will help contribute to the University’s target of reaching net-zero carbon by 2030.
  • Raising awareness of sustainability through our own students and staff at the University brings everything closer to home – people are more likely to be influenced their peers. The University will be a more sustainable community.
  • Working with students to improve sustainability within their day-to-day lives on campus, for example reducing energy consumption with Cut the Flow, will create new, good habits they can implement in their day-to-day lives.