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All Web Tools

To learn more about the Web Publishing Service or the tools we provide, particularly what to use and when, please contact the Web Team via webteam at warwick dot ac dot uk.

Tool/Service Features Purpose
SiteBuilder Web publishing and content management system. Includes public or private online discussion forums. For the University, academic and administrative departments to create and maintain websites.
Tabula Administrate per-student information such as coursework management, online feedback and attendance recording. To support the administration of teaching and learning in academic departments.
Alternative Exams Portal (AEP) For administering and delivering online exam papers For staff involved in the delivery of online exams, and students taking those exams
My Warwick Mobile apps for iPhone and Android, plus desktop view Personalised information and alerts for staff and students
Single Sign-on A single sign-on page underpinning access to many web tools and systems, incorporating two factor authentication For University members to sign in once to access different web systems.
WSS Case Management A system for securely managing Wellbeing Support enquiries and cases For WSS staff to manage their work supporting staff and students at Warwick
Web design Graphic design, structure review and copywriting for SiteBuilder websites and home pages. For academic and administrative departments to improve the quality of their websites.
Go.Warwick Facility to request, then own and edit, shorter web addresses. For departments to have short web addresses for publication.
Module Approval A system for proposing modules and the workflow for their approval For academic staff and EPQ jointly to define all aspects of modules taught at Warwick
Course and Module Catalogue A system for exposing searchable course and module information for presentation in other systems So that in SiteBuilder and Moodle, courses and modules can be described using canonical central data, rather than ad-hoc text.
Scholarships A system for applying for, and managing the applications of, centrally-managed scholarships. For prospective students to apply for scholarships alongside their application to study a course.
Welcome Week A system to support proposing, approving and scheduling events and registration for Warwick Welcome Week. For staff involved in delivering Welcome Week, and for newly arrived students to easily see what's happening.
Web Groups Create ad hoc groups or view automatically created groups. For staff to control access to web pages or systems for specific groups of people.
Postroom A system for managing the student post room For postroom staff to record incoming deliveries and to ensure that parcels are passed on to their intended recipient.
External Users A system for creating guest accounts for web users. For external visitors to sign in once to access specific web systems they use to collaborate with University members.
Web forward Point externally-registered domain names to a SiteBuilder page. For University members who want to use an external domain name registration while maintaining their website in SiteBuilder.
Warwick Search Search engine which assembles results from different sources on a single page. For people to search all the online information the University provides.
HearNow The University's snap poll tool.

Create, edit and review snap polls, usually administered on behalf of the retail group. Please direct queries about the snap polls to snap poll owner. Technical issues, comments, questions about operating system.

Mass Mailing Application for staff members only to send mass mails to groups of students and staff.

Mass mailing system relies on the Webgroup service, either central auto-generated webgroups (which are generated by the info in SITS and cannot be manually edited) or the custom built webgroups that can be edited by the group owners. Massmailing FAQs

Online payment Maintain the University's online payment system on behalf of the Finance Office. Payments processed by Global Payments.

Request a TTS Trading Account from Finance team and enable online payment using your FormsBuilder form.

People Search Search for Warwick People.

Start typing any part of name and department.

Source Matching / Plagarism Service Turnitin Third-party software used for plagiarism detection in students' assignments. Used within Tabula and Moodle.

If you have issues accessing papers you may need to 'Create a Ticket' with the Turnitin Help Center.

Photos The central repository for photos of students and staff.

Photos of students and staff are printed on University cards. They also appear in various University administration systems, such as Tabula.

Minor services

Services that either underpin major services or are used by a smaller collection of people.

Tool/Service Features Purpose
ADS/Calopus Maintain the system that runs the Academic Data Store and the third party software used to populate the interfaces for ADS - Calopus (written in Oracle). ADS is a central database populated from various other databases like SITS, OMR, Membership, etc. ADS data is used by departments for student details, modules registered, student qualification on entry, etc. Departments access ADS views and see the data they are interested in. Queries would usually start with data contained within SITS.
Car Parking Permit Admin Maintain the system underpinning the staff parking permit scheme. FAQs about the Workplace Parking scheme
Queries to Security Services, Car Parking:
carparking at warwick dot ac dot uk
Course Specifications Maintain the system running Course Specs on behalf of Teaching Quality. There is a course specification for every undergraduate and taught Master's course. Each spec sets out the aims of the course, the skills and knowledge a graduate from that course will possess, and how it is taught and assessed. View published Course Specs
Log in to Course Specs Database
For queries about the development of Course Specifications or the operation of the database, email quality at warwick dot ac dot uk.
Queries relating to the course approval process should be directed to the relevant Faculty Board Secretary.
Exam Timetables Support of online examination timetables are part of the Student Records system provided via the Academic Registrar's Office. Enables student to access a personalised timetable for written examinations. More info about examinations
Erefs Maintain the system behind the uploading of academic electronic references for postgraduate applicants. Direct queries to the Warwick Postgraduate Admissions Team.
Invigilator Management Support of the the Invigilator Management system to Academic Registrar's Office Departmental contacts can nominate invigilators for the forthcoming exams and sends notification about the invigilated slots to all the nominated invigilators.
Module Catalogue Publisher Support of system allowing Teaching Quality to publish the module catalogue to Sitebuilder using SITS data Queries to Teaching Quality in first instance
Module Registration Manager Information about how students can choose and register for modules online MRM has now been replaced by DMM.
Queries about how system used or data issues, contact Exams Office - modules at warwick dot ac dot uk

Old services

Services that are no longer maintained or have been discontinued.

Tool/Service Features Purpose
Test and TraceLink opens in a new window A system for booking Covid-19 tests on campus, and managing test result data and notifications For students to book tests, and staff to carry out tracing, notifications and data analysis
Warwick Blogs Web pages belonging to an individual, presented in a chronological format. For University members to publish individual or personal content.
Files.Warwick Online file sharing. For University members to upload and access files from anywhere online and share them with other people.