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Warwick Support for Policy Engagement

Industry and Parliament Trust

The Industry and Parliament Trust (IPT) is a non-lobbying, non-partisan charity that provides a platform of engagement between Parliament, UK businesses and universities. As a supporter of the IPT, academics from the University are invited to participate in closed roundtable discussions with MPs and peers. You can find more information about the IPT here.

The IPT also provides training for academics who wish to engage with MPs and peers. The next training sessions will be held in the 2022/2023 academic year. To express your interest in participating in these sessions, please email Sam Roseveare (

Whitehall and Industry Group

The Whitehall and Industry Group (WIG) is an independent, non-lobbying charity that brings together senior civil servants, businesses, and the not-for-profit sectors. WIG hosts a rich set of events, typically briefing events delivered by very senior civil servants. These events will give you a broad overview of a specific policy area, and insight into how the civil service operates.

WIG also runs a mentor match scheme, which connects staff from across sectors. You can access this service by creating a WIG account.

As a member of the University, you can create a WIG account which will give you access to the events the organisation runs. If you run into any issues in engaging with WIG, please email Sam Roseveare (

Policy Mogul

Policy Mogul is a monitoring and influencing service set up by an alumnus of the University. It provides regular updates on political developments, helps you to make policy asks and provides briefing material available to relevant political stakeholders.

To set up an account on Policy Mogul, please email Sam Roseveare (, and he will arrange an induction into the service. Please note that the service provides embargoed press releases and policy documents. We expect all staff to respect these press embargoes.