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Thijs Van Rens

Curriculum Vitae

Contact details

Telephone: +44 (0)24 761 51423

Fax: +44 (0)24 765 23032


Room: S2.105

Advice and feedback hours: Tuesday and Friday 11 am -12 noon during term time. Please book hereLink opens in a new window.

Related links

Professor of Economics

Research Interests

  • Diets, health and sustainability
  • Labour markets
  • Macroeconomics, business cycles


  • PhD Princeton University 2005


For publications, working papers, data and programs, please see my personal website at

PhD student advising

In principle I will schedule meetings only on Wednesday afternoons, with a max of four 30-minute meetings per week. Please sign up hereLink opens in a new window.

Except for very short questions, I will answer email queries once per week.

All students I advise are required to participate in the macro/international seminarLink opens in a new window as well as in the internal macro/international workshopLink opens in a new window and are encouraged to participate in other departmental events.

Other roles at Warwick

Director of MSc programmesLink opens in a new window

Academic co-lead of the interdisciplinary research Spotlight on HealthLink opens in a new window

Previous roles

Director of the MSc programme in Economics and International Financial Economics (EIFE)Link opens in a new window

Academic co-lead and theme lead for "Food and HealthLink opens in a new window" of the University's Global Research Priority on FoodLink opens in a new window

Coordinator of the macro- and international economics groupLink opens in a new window

Director of the MRes/PhD programmeLink opens in a new window

Member of the SenateLink opens in a new window