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Our take on campus demonstration

You may have already heard --

On 22 May, the University Council met to discuss the student-staff open letter demanding demilitarisation of Warwick and published an official statement on Wednesday. While promising progress towards offering sanctuary for displaced Palestinian students, the Council dismissed the demand to divest from arms companies, claiming that they’re in partnership for “building a low-carbon and sustainable world” instead of “the direct manufacturing or assembly of offensive weaponry or capabilities.”

The University Council is the governing body of the University, exercising “specific authority over finance and estates, consisting of 21 members -- a majority of which are external industry professionals” according to the Boar’s reportLink opens in a new window.

We’d like to remind the University that the UN's sustainability goals include peace, justice for all, no poverty, zero hunger, good health, clean water, industry infrastructure, decent work, and quality education – which the arms companies have no interest in, and have been actively destroying in PalestineLink opens in a new window.

We’d like to remind the University Council that “the proposed Economic Activities of Public Bodies Bill, which will ban public bodies from ‘imposing direct or indirect boycotts, divestments or sanctions (BDS) campaigns against foreign countries’” was defeated in parliament last week and will not become law.

The University Council refused student-staff demands to condemn the Israeli war crimes, claiming universities to be “apolitical organisations''. We remind the University Council that this claim directly contradicts its commitment to challenge racism, sexism, decolonise the curriculum, and its day-to-day engagement with politicians and public bodies. It also left the staff and students alienated and vulnerable in its political double standard considering its strong & clear support for Ukraine in Warwick Stands with Ukraine.

Facing the pressure of student disruption and direct actions, University has also made a decision to instead close University House, including the Learning Grid study space, to students. Staff are now asked on 4 June to “not engage with protesters” and “move out of the way” if protesters enter a building.

The University governmental stance has formed a stark contrast with the voice of Warwick staff and students.

On Friday 24 May, an all-staff assembly saw a sweeping majority of staff in support of Motion 1 for University to disclose its investment, divest from organisations that are involved in manufacturing weapons, make a public statement to condemn war crimes and destruction of Palestinian Universities and academics, and call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire; and another majority support of Motion 2 to protect students and staff involved from the use of disciplinary measures, violence or intimidation.

A beautiful vegan meal made up of vegan Jewish soup, jackfruit curry, oak milk potato mash, salad and matzo balls, made by UNISON member

Beautiful vegan Jewish Chicken Soup Matzo Ball dinner made by one of our member for the encampment Friday Shabbat service

Students and staff have shown common interests and outstanding support with each other and with the struggling Palestinians, rather than with the University Council – and to hold the University accountable for our collective voice rather than its external commercial partners and government bosses, we urgently need you to stand up, mobilise and organise your colleagues in your office.

Email your reps at now to find out how you can be involved.

Will you stand up for fellow students, staff, and millions of Palestinians?


Yours sincerely,

Demilitarisation Working Group

UNISON University of Warwick