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Physics CFSA

Centre for Fusion, Space and Astrophysics

CFSA has a longstanding collaboration with the fusion plasma theory group at CCFE Culham. Some CFSA staff are also core members of Warwick’s Centre for Scientific Computing and Centre for Complexity Science. CFSA is a member of the European Fusion Education Network Association (FUSENET)Link opens in a new window. Tony Arber leads the cluster in the UK MHD ConsortiumLink opens in a new window and chairs the Collaborative Computational Plasma PhysicsLink opens in a new window consortium. Valery Nakariakov is the leader of the MCSA SE international network "Dynamics of the solar corona in the era of data intensive observations", led the MC IRSES network "Radiophysics of the Sun" and held the European Research Council Advanced Fellowship "MHD Wave Diagnostics of the Solar Atmosphere". Erwin Verwichte coordinates the data-analysis work-package for the UK consortium for the development of detectors for the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope. CFSA is a member of Warwick's Centre for Space Domain Awareness.

Oxford-Imperial-Warwick Centre for Postgraduate Training in Plasma Physics and High Energy Density Science: Warwick University's Centre for Fusion, Space and Astrophysics is a partner with teams at Oxford University and Imperial College London for our intake of PhD students in all branches of plasma physics. The joint Programme will significantly enhance opportunities for advanced training and for collaborative research at PhD level. All three university teams have strong links internationally, and with the large facilities at key plasma research centres in our region, including the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy, the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and AWE.

CFSA is international! CFSA has a strong and lively international character and is proud to attract staff and students from all corners of the globe. We actively encourage prospective PhD students from abroad to apply and explore with us how they can join our group and research efforts. Four of recent international PhD alumni shared some of their experiences with us.