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Thu 13 Mar, '25
Macro/International Seminar - Amy Handlan (Brown)

Title: Monetary Communication Rules by Laura Gáti and Amy Handlan
Abstract: Does the Federal Reserve follow a communication rule? We propose a simple framework to estimate communication rules, which we conceptualize as a systematic mapping between the Fed's expectations of macroeconomic variables and the words they use to talk about the economy. We provide strong evidence supporting the existence of a communication rule: 30-40 percent of the variation in language of FOMC policy statements is accounted for by variation in Fed forecasts and other policy instruments, like the target rate and asset purchases. We document a significant break in the communication rule in late 2008, over-and-above shifts in the regressors' distributions. There is evidence that communication rules are stronger post-2008 and this impacts how financial markets react. Overall, investors respond to both systematic and non-systematic communication and do so more strongly after 2008, indicating they pay greater attention with more systematic communication.

Tue 22 Apr, '25
Applied Economics, Econometrics & Public Policy (CAGE) Seminar - Libertad Gonzalez (UPF)

Title to be advised.

Thu 24 Apr, '25
PEPE Seminar (Political Economy and Public Economics) Seminar - to be advised.
Tue 29 Apr, '25
CRETA Seminar - Larry Samuelson (Yale)

Title to be advised.

Wed 30 Apr, '25
Teaching & Learning Seminar - Mathilde Peron (York)

Title: Embedding careers in the curriculum

Thu 1 May, '25
PEPE Seminar (Political Economy and Public Economics) Seminar - Pedro Vicente (Nova SBE)

Title to be advised.

Thu 1 May, '25
Macro/International Seminar - Ethan Ilzetski (LSE)

Title to be advised.

Thu 1 May, '25
Econometrics Seminar - Yushi Peng (Tilburg)

Title to be advised.

Tue 6 May, '25
Applied Economics, Econometrics & Public Policy (CAGE) Seminar - Mushfiq Mubarak (Yale)

Title to be advised.

Wed 7 May, '25
Econometrics Seminar - Max Farrell

Title to be advised.

Wed 7 May, '25
CRETA Seminar - Roberto Corrao (Stanford)

Title to be advised.

Thu 8 May, '25
PEPE (Political Economy & Public Economics) Seminar - Ro'ee Levy (TelAviv)

Title to be advised.

Thu 8 May, '25
Macro/International Seminar - Rachel Ngai (LSE)

Title to be advised.

Mon 12 May, '25
Economic History Seminar - Andreas Ferrara (Pitt)

Title: The U.S. Civil War’s Impact on Women’s Work and Political Participation.

This is joint work with Madison Arnsbarger (Weber State) and Paige Montrose (Pittsburgh)

Mon 12 May, '25
Econometrics Seminar - Francesca Molinari (Cornell)

Title to be advised.

Tue 13 May, '25
Applied Economics, Econometrics & Public Policy (CAGE) Seminar - Elias Papaiannou (LBS)

Title to be advised.

Wed 14 May, '25
Teaching & Learning Seminar - Anthi Chondrogianni (Bristol)

Title: Search for work during students' higher education journey

Authors: Anthi Chondrogianni and Ahmed Pirzada

Wed 14 May, '25
CRETA Seminar - Drew Fudenberg (MIT)

Title to be advised.

Thu 15 May, '25
Macro/International Seminar - Keith Head (UBC)

Title to be advised.

Mon 19 May, '25
Economic History Seminar - Stephan Heblich (Toronto)

Title to be advised.

Mon 19 May, '25
Econometrics Seminar - Matias Cattaneo (Princeton)

Title to be advised.

Tue 20 May, '25
Applied Economics, Econometrics & Public Policy (CAGE) Seminar - Pauline Grosjean (UNSW)

Title to be advised.

Wed 21 May, '25
CRETA Seminar - Agathe Pernoud (Chicago)

Title to be advised.

Thu 22 May, '25
PEPE Seminar (Political Economy and Public Economics) Seminar - Juan S Morales (Lazaridis SB)

Title to be advised.

Thu 22 May, '25
Macro/International Seminar - Elisa Keller (Essex)

Title to be advised.

Tue 27 May, '25
Applied Economics, Econometrics & Public Policy (CAGE) Seminar - Jessie Handbury (UPenn)

Title to be advised.

Wed 28 May, '25
Teaching & Learning Seminar - Cloda Jenkins (Imperial College Business School)

Title: Designing Assessments in an AI World

Wed 28 May, '25
CRETA Seminar - Yannai Gonczarowski (Harvard)

Title to be advised.

Thu 29 May, '25
PEPE Seminar (Political Economy and Public Economics) Seminar - Michela Carlana (Harvard)

Title to be advised.

Thu 29 May, '25
PEPE (Politic Economy & Public Economics) Seminar - Julia Cage (Sciences Po)

Title to be advised.
