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An Economic Lecture in progress in the Arts Lecture Theatre which will seat over 300. Prospectus 1967-68. Warwick Digital Collection.  Professor attacks a machine. Giblet Newspaper 1965. Warwick Digital Collection. A class in session. Campus Life. MRC Archives.
Alternative Prospectus 92– French. SU Archives Alternative Prospectus 92– German. SU Archives Alternative Prospectus 92– Italian. SU Archives
8. Alternative Prospectus 96 – History & Sociology, History of Art and English & Italian Literature. SU Archives Alternative Prospectus 96 – English & American Literature, English and French, English and Theatre Studies, Film & Literature. SU Archives The Philosophy Common Room. 82-83 Guide to First Degree Courses. Warwick Digital Collections.
Exam Balls Up. The Boar 1977, Issue 1975. Warwick Digital Collection. Exam Balls Up. The Boar 1977, Issue 1975. Warwick Digital Collection. Exam Balls Up. The Boar 1977, Issue 1975. Warwick Digital Collection.
Alternative Prospectus 1998-99. SU Archive Alternative Prospectus 1998-99. SU Archive Guide to First Degree Courses 1973-74. WDC
Ellie King BA graduation in 2017 Area Guide 90-91. Warwick Life. Warwick Digital Collection. Coventry. 82-83 SU Handbook. Warwick Digital Collection.
3. Kenilworth. 82-83 SU Handbook. Warwick Digital Collection. Leamington. 82-83 SU Handbook. Warwick Digital Collection. Off Campus. 80-81 SU Handbook. Warwick Digital Collection.
The Area. 90-91 Warwick Life. Warwick Digital Collection. Coventry. 98-99 Alternative Prospectus. SU Archives Off-Campus Accommodation. 77-78 SU Handbook. Warwick Digital Collection.
Life Off-Campus. 90-91 Warwick Life. Warwick Digital Collection. Parking. 68 SU Archives. Parking. 96 SU Archives.
Bus 12X. 2000 Prospectus. Warwick Digital Collection. Campus Escape Routes. 80-81 SU Handbook. Warwick Digital Collection. Transport. 82-83 Handbook. Warwick Digital Collection.
First Buildings. 65-66 Prospectus. Warwick Digital Collection. Model of University Library. 66-67 Prospectus. Warwick Digital Collection.  Engineering building. 72-73 Guide of First-Degree Courses. Warwick Digital Collection.
The Arts Building. 76-77 Guide to First Degree Courses. Warwick Digital Collection. Campus air view. 81-82 Guide to First Degree Courses. Warwick Digital Collection. Social Studies Faculty. 81-82 Guide to First Degree Courses. Warwick Digital Collection.
Rootes Residences. Guide to First Degree Courses for Entry October 87. Warwick Digital Collection. New SU Hall. 87-88 Warwick Life. Warwick SU Handbook. Warwick Digital Collection. SU Renovation. Warwick Life 90-91. Warwick Digital Collection.
Campus. 2003 Undergrad Prospectus. Warwick Digital Collection. Campus. 2005 Warwick intro-Living and Studying at the University of Warwick. Warwick Digital Collection. Campus. 2008 Postgraduate Prospectus. Warwick Digital Collection.
Campus Life. 2019 Postgraduate Prospectus. Elena’s personal archive. Cover SU Handbook 1981-82. Warwick Digital Collection. Sporting. 84-85 Warwick Life. The SU Guide to the Uni of Warwick. Warwick Digital Collection.
Nightline. SU Handbook 1972-73. Warwick Digital Collection. Nightline. The Boar No. 50, 1976. Warwick Digital Collection. Nightline. The Boar Article on Nightline Winning 2014 Award.
Rag Week, Airport building, now Rootes Social Building 1968, at Warwick University from Coventry Telegraph. Rag. Campus Bishop's Man Dashes Rag Plan. The Boar Issue 42, 1969. Warwick Digital Collection. Rag Week. SU Handbook 1982-83. Warwick Digital Collection.
Ellie King at Kilimanjaro September 2015 for Warwick RAG. Warwick Life '93 Societies page. Mutant society. Warwick Life 1992-1993. Warwick Digital Collection.
Rag Programme Campus. The Boar 1968, Issue 17. WDC Student Map. Warwick SU Handbook 1974. WDC
The Boar. Issue 74, 1977. An article complaining about the ‘bitchiness’ of the Drama Society. Warwick Jailbreak 2017. Info Session Twitter @WJailbreak Democracy Still lives! 1974 Warwick Union Handbook. Warwick Digital Collection.
  Rent Strike Desk. The Boar 1975, Issue 31, January 4. Warwick Digital Collection. Rent Strike. The Boar 1975, Issue 29. January. Warwick Digital Collection.
The Boar 1990, Issue 10. Warwick Digital Collection 5. Rent Strike. 1st Years Magazine 1975. Warwick Digital Collection. Rent Strike. 1st Years Magazine 1975. Warwick Digital Collection.
Article on the Senate House sit in. Rent strike. The Boar 1975 Special Issue. Warwick Digital Collection. Cover of the Students’ Union Handbook of 1977-78. SU Archives. Protests. The Boar, Issue 87, 1977. Warwick Digital Collection.
Cobwebs. The Boar, Issue 2, 1986. Warwick Digital Collection. Why was a “women’s journal” necessary? Can you identify with the feeling today? Cobwebs, The Boar, Issue 1, 1986. Warwick Digital Collection. Why Cobwebs. Cobwebs, The Boar, Issue 1, 1986. Warwick Digital Collection.
Fridays for Future protest Leamington Spa Royal Priors in summer of 2019. Pictured left to right are Zainab Mohamed, Christopher Hofmann (Warwick student) and Anna Mensch (Warwick student) Lauren Get the Vote Out Campaign. The Boar Article on Warwick Occupy December 2019.
Welcome to Warwick. SU Handbook 1977-88. Warwick Digital Collection. Freshers week. Warwick life 1992-93. Warwick Digital Collections Welcome to Warwick. The Big Week Out 1st-9th Oct 1994. Warwick Digital Collection.
Welcome to Warwick 2019. Elena's Personal Archive. Entertainments. Warwick Life 1992-93. Warwick Digital Collection. First Year's Magazine 1975 detailing the large array of live music that students could attend during fresher's week. Warwick Digital Collection.
First Year's Magazine 1975. Details for discos held in Freshers week however they receive much less attention compared to the live music. Warwick Digital Collection. 1st Time at Uni. 1st Years Magazine 1975. Warwick Digital Collection. The 1st few weeks. 1st Year's Magazine 1975. Warwick Digital Collection.
In the first university prospectus for 1965 the university only welcomed 300 undergraduates. Warwick Digital Collection. Freshers Fayre. 90-91 Warwick Life. Warwick Digital Collection. Freshers Entertainments. 93 Warwick Life, Warwick Digital Collection.
Welcome Guide 2019. Elena's Personal Archive.  Welcome Guide 2019. Elena's Personal Archive. Welcome Guide 2019. Elena's Personal Archive.
Welcome Week Timetable Digital Welcome Week 2019. Welcome Week Timetable Digital Welcome Week 2019. Wall-e Screening Welcome Week from Sustainability at Warwick Facebook, and Societies Fair Warwick 2019 from Warwick SU Facebook.
Reporting on recent plans to increase the student fees at UK universities The Boar 1977 no. 75. Warwick Digital Collection. Advertisement to attend general meeting about the decision to increase the student fees at UK universities. The Boar 1977, Issue 75. Warwick Digital Collection. Discrimination towards women. The Boar 1977, Issue 55, p. 4. WDC.
A column in the Boar describing the opening of a new Women's following the offensive graffiti placed on the original. 25th Oct 1989. Warwick Digital Collection.  Article in the Boar describing racist prejudice by one of the onsite bank managers. 25th Oct 1989. Warwick Digital Collection. The Boar describing the prejudice that is experienced by students in and around campus including testimonies from students themselves, 27th June 1990. Warwick Digital Collection.
The Boar describing the public school culture in Britain and its impact on universities.  29th June 1990. Warwick Digital Collection. The Boar reporting on racist graffiti found on campus in 1995 Issue no. 5. 9. Warwick Life Prospectus 1993 details societies that enable representation for individuals on campus, in this example Dysability.
Warwick Life Prospectus 1993 details the LGB organisation that existed on campus during this period. A student describing their experience as an international student at Warwick. 2006 prospectus. “Luckily, the University of Warwick is an amazing place for international students! There is an active international office, international committee and many cultural societies. About a fifth of the student body is international from over 100 different countries.” International Profile. Warwick promoting itself as an international university. 2006 prospectus.
Cosmopolitan Campus. Warwick promoting itself as an international university. 2006 prospectus. A warm welcome. Warwick promoting itself as an international university. 2006 prospectus. On the ground support. Warwick promoting itself as an international university. 2006 prospectus.
Photo from recent UCU strikes held nationwide and at Warwick - one key cause was the inequality of pay and pensions within university departments. Students protest on piazza about increase in tuition fees, photo from socialist party. Poster produced in 1975 showing the Winter Terms top SU events, some only cost 30p Warwick Digital Collection.
2. Poster promoting SU events produced in 1975 - for only £5 you could attend them all. Warwick Digital Collection. The Clash. The Boar 1977, Issue 76. Warwick Digital Collection. Sex Pistols. The Boar 1978, Issue 90. Warwick Digital Collection.
The Boar reporting on the rising musical talents set to play the university in its 27 June 1990 edition. Warwick Digital Collection. Handbook 1973. Despite struggling for funds for the 'ents' the team has arranged performances from a range of acts on campus. Warwick Digital Collection. The Student Handbook describes societies catering for the different kinds of drinking culture at Warwick in 1982-83. Warwick Digital Collection.
Leam-On Soc. SU Handbook, 1982-83. Warwick Digital Collection. Venues. Warwick Life 1992-93. Warwick Digital Collection. Description of SU as a place to socialise and hub for nightlife in the 2006 prospectus. Warwick Digital Collection.
Drinking in the Union. SU Handbook, 1982-83. Warwick Digital Collection. Drugs. SU Handbook, p 69, 1977-78. Warwick Digital Collection. Students With Children. Warwick Life, 1990-91. Warwick Digital Collection.
Westwood. Warwick Life, 1992-93. Warwick Digital Collection. Mature Students Society. Warwick Life 1992-93. WDC Mature Students Society
The 2002 prospectus describes the vast array of nightlife that was available on campus- with reference to Top Banana. Continuation of 2002 prospectus detailing SU events that were held every week. Accompanying photos of SU nightlife in the 2006 prospectus.
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