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Research Events 2023/24

Work in Progress Meetings

Though we keep the title of 'Work in Progress' this in truth has evolved into a platform for us to reflect upon and sometimes read work in progress, but also discuss common themes in roundtable fashion, share sources, train one another in new approaches, or even just meet for a catch-up over tea.

These are usually held in FAB 3.32 on Wednesdays, 1pm - 3pm, with lunch.

Term 1

25 October 2023 Roberta Bivins

Discovery Award: "From Equal Health to Health Equals"

Sign-up Form

22 November 2023 Jamie Banks

"See Locks, Think Rasta, Blame Ganja: Cannabis, Race, and Mental Illness in Post-War Britain, 1967 – 1990."

Sign-up Form

Term 2

10 January 2024 Elise Smith

"Skulls, Nation, and Empire: Introducing the History of British Craniology"

Sign-up Form

24 January 2024 Stuart Middleton

"The Paradox of Democracy and the Welfare State"

Sign-up Form

31 January 2024 Gareth Millward

Research Seminar: “Martine McCutcheon versus Darren Anderton: Sick notes, Britain, and the welfare state”

Sign up Form

28 February 2024 Laura Kelly

"The Women's Right to Choose Group, pro-choice activism and crisis pregnancy counselling in early 1980s Dublin"

Sign-up Form

Term 3

1 May 2024 Madeleine Ware (Yale)

"From Kegel to Barre: Franchising Pelvic Health and Vaginal Fitness in the Mid-Twentieth Century"

Time: 12-2pm

Venue: FAB 5.03

Sign-up Form

29 May 2024 Rachel Bennett

Book Launch: "Motherhood confined: Maternal health in English prisons, 1853-1955"

Sign-up Form