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Centre for the History of Medicine 25 Years Anniversary Celebration

Cover Phototograph from BMA patient Magazine of the 1950s, entitled 'Doctor's Orders' and showing a middle-class White British nuclear family against a blue background.

The Centre for the History of Medicine (CHM) is celebrating its 25th anniversary in 2024. CHM founder, stalwart and inspiration, Professor Hilary Marland will also be retiring this year - at least to the extent that a creative and inspirational scholar ever does!

To mark both of these milestones, CHM hosted a day-long event on 13 September 2024.

Our Anniversary Fellows, Dr Jennifer Crane, Dr Vicky Long, and Professor Colin Jones led in thinking about what the Centre has brought to the history of medicine, health, and culture across its quarter-century.

After lunch, there was a presentation marking Hilary’s many contributions, and considering the overall impact of the CHM on our collective lives, trajectories and research.

Finally corks were popped and cakes shared to celebrate both the Centre and Hilary!

Full programme here