CHM by the Numbers
We don't like to brag (oh alright, it is kinda fun, once in a quarter-century or so!), but when we started pulling together the data on what CHM had done since it was founded, even we were surprised! Of course, the most important numbers are visible on all the other CHM@25 pages: the number of students and early career researchers we have supported and mentored, the support we have given (and gained) from artists and creators, the number and variety of communities and community members who have helped us to create better and more inclusive history, and of course the number of books and articles we have written...
But, we have to say, even the intellectually least important and emotionally least satisfying numbers are still pretty fun.
From our records:
- External funding won by CHM was £8,461,067.97 (the 97 p. really makes this number sing in my opinion).
- CHM teamwork with our own graduates and with external scholars brought in £2,471,874.29 to support early career researchers on their own projects.
- And working with some amazing new scholars, we brought in £1,042,526.00 as PhD studentships to build the future of the field.
We are still calculating (oh how University accounting practices have changed over the last 25 years! There may be a paper in this for some bright soul..) our investments in MA teaching and training, policy, media and community engagement -- so watch this space for the final figures!