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Panels and Abstracts


The ‘Usefulness’ of History for the Practice of Medicine, 1750-today

Panel organisers: Dr Rina Knoeff, University of Groningen, and Dr Claudia Stein, University of Warwick

Claudia Stein, University of Warwick: Exploring medical history’s ‘usefulness’ – Introductory Remarks

Thomas Broman, University of Wisconsin, Madison: 'What’s Pragmatic about a ‘pragmatische Geschichte’? Kurt Polykarp Sprengel’s Versuch einer pragmatischen Geschichte der Arzneykunde’

Professor Dr Volker Roelcke, University of Giessen: Why medical history? Reflections on the ‘usefulness’ of history for the medical profession (and beyond)

Professor Frank Huismann, University of Maastricht: Inconvenient Questions: Medical Humanities for Medical Students

Rina Knoeff, University of Groningen: final discussion


Invisible Technicians, Medical Expertise and Practice

Dr Catherine Cox, School of History and Archives, University College Dublin: ‘J. Connolly, Taken from Nature’?: Patient Portraiture and the Pathological Society of Dublin, c.1830-1870

Tania Anne Woloshyn, Centre for the History of Medicine, University of Warwick: Women with ‘Flare’: Snapshots of Light Therapy’s Invisible Operators, c.1895-1945

Claire Jones, University of Leeds: Over the Counter and On the High Street: Commerce and Condoms in Britain, c. 1920-1960


The Place of the Patient in Post-war Britain

Dr Alex Mold, the Centre for History in Public Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine: 'The Place of the Patient in Post-war Britain'

Discussion with contributions from postgraduates at the Centre for the History of Medicine, University of Warwick


Indigenous Knowledge, Power and the Everyday

Emeritus Professor David Hardiman, University of Warwick: Miracle Cures for a Suffering Nation: Sai Baba of Shirdi

Emeritus Professor David Arnold, University of Warwick: ‘How to Murder a Resident: Poison, Politics and India’s Toxic Transition, 1870-1914’

Professor Projit Bihari Mukharji, University of Pennsylvania: Whence Came the Devi? The Story of Mrs Duncan, the Bengali Goddess of Cholera


History of Medicine in the Twentieth Century

Dr Vicky Long, Glasgow Caledonian University: Conceptualising Work-Related Mental Distress in the British Coalfields, c.1900-1950

Dr Roberta Bivins, University of Warwick: Assimilation, Integration, Exclusion: Interpreting Medical Responses to Migration in Post-War Britain

Dr Jonathan Toms, University of East Anglia: Self-Government and Mental Health: Re-Appraising Foucauldian Interpretations of the History of Psychiatry in the Twentieth Century