Academic Staff

Professor Roberta Bivins
Director of the Centre
Member of the Warwick Health Spoglight
Specialisms: Medicine, ethnicity and immigration in the 20th century; domestic medical technologies; post-war medical research and healthcare delivery patterns in the UK and USA.
Dr Doreen Kembabazi
Specialisms: 19th/20th Century East Africa, Ethnicity, Nationalism, Slavery, Gender, Women, Reproductivity, Sexuality, Dress and fashion, Urbanization.

Emeritus Professor Hilary Marland
Specialisms: History of psychiatry; migration and mental illness; the health of adolescent girls; household medicine; midwifery and childbirth; medical practice in the nineteenth century.

Dr Claire Shaw
Specialisms: History of Russia and the Soviet Union; the formation of Soviet identity; the history of disability and marginality; contemporary Russian fashion and Soviet public space.

Dr Elise Smith
Coordinator, MA in the History of Medicine
Specialisms: The history of medicine in Britain and the British Empire during the modern period.

Dr Claudia Stein
Specialisms: Medicine and science in early modern Germany (1500-1800); enlightenment science and medicine, strategies of biopower (1800-today); visual culture and medicine (1500-today); the history of epistemology.

Professor Mathew Thomson
Specialisms: 19th and 20th century British history; history of social policy; psychology and eugenics.

Dr Anna Toropova
Wellcome Trust Career Development Fellow
Specialisms:The cultural and medical history of Russia and the Soviet Union; cinema and the transformation of the human subject; intersections between medical knowledge, cinematic technology, and psycho-physiological reforging in the early Soviet period