Current Students
Postgraduate Research

Sophie Ahlemeyer
'Wom(b)anhood: Herstory, "treatment" and conceptions of endometriosis from the 20th century onwards'

Himesh Mehta
'"Psychedelic Selves": Neoliberalism, Neuroscience, and the British Psychedelic'

Mackenzie Moffat
'Medicinal Methods of Enslaved Resistance: The Role of Medicine in Practices of Enslaved Resistance in the Americas between the Seventeenth and Nineteenth Centuries'

Joseph Price
'The Making of the New Sexual Health: A holistic history of sex, identity, consent and well-being at the University of Warwick, 1965-2019'

Shalini Rudra
'What's at stake in the fake?'
Postgraduate Taught

Fatou Ceesay

Susie Longstaff

Catrin Price