Previous PhD Students

Thesis Title

Thesis Title

Dr Samir Hamdoud (2024)
'Caring Power, Scientific Medicine and Mental Deficiency at The Royal Albert, 1870-1920'

Dr Louise Morgan (2023)
'"Eat Better Not Less": Contextualising Orthorexia Nervosa in History'

Dr John Wilmot (2022)
'The rise of dispensaries c1820-c1880: their contribution to health care in Warwickshire'

Dr Ute Oswald (2022)
'Entertainment in Nineteenth-Century Asylums'

Dr Sophie Greenway (2022)
'Growing well: Dirt, health and the home gardener in Britain 1900-1970'

Dr Ed Devane (2022)
‘Building the NHS: planning, public opinion and Britain's new state healthcare facilities, 1945 - 1974.’

Dr Fabiola Creed (2020)
Advertising, stereotypes, and "addiction" : understanding sunbed representation in England, 1970s-1990s'

Dr Andrew Burchell (2019)
‘Violence, Mental Health and the British schoolchild’

Dr Shrikant Botre (2018)
'Sexual Modernity in Western India (1920-1960)'

Dr Hye Jean Hwang (2018)
'Women and Depression in Interwar Britain: Case Notes, Narratives and Experiences'

Dr Kate Mahoney (2017)
'"Finding Our Own Solutions": the Women's Liberation Movement, Contemporary Psychologies and Community-Based Mental Health Provision in Britain, 1960-1990'

Dr Kyle Jackson (2017)
'Mizos, Missionaries, and Medicine: Religious and Medical Contact in Northeast India'

Dr Rebecca Noble (2017)
'Locura e Inquisitión: Madness in 18th century Mexico'

Dr Thomas Bray (2016)

Dr Jennifer Crane (2016)
'The expertise of experience: representative associations and child abuse, 1974-2015'

Dr Jane Hand (2015)
Visualising Food as a Modern Medicine: Gender, the Body and Health Education in Britain, 1940-1992'

Dr Anne Moeller (2015)
'The Economics of Philanthropy: Halle Pietism and the International Medical Trade'

Dr Claire Sewell (2015)
Dr Josette Duncan (2014)
'Charity, institutions and dominion in British colonial Cyprus, Malta and the Ionian Islands (1800-1914)'

Dr Darshi Thoradeniya (2014)
'Women's Health and Body in Post Independent Sri Lanka'

Dr Martin Moore (2014)
'Chronicity in the Twentieth Century:Diabetes in Post-War Britain'

Dr Rebecca Williams (2014)
Dr Emily Andrews (2014)
'"Senility before Alzheimer": Old Age Mental Health in British Medicine, Politics and Culture, 1845-1914'

Dr David Beck (2013)
'Thoroughly English: County Natural History, c. 1660-1720'

Dr Harriet Palreyman (2012)
'Visualizing Venereal Disease in London, c.1780 - 1860'

Dr Gabrielle Robilliard (2011)
Dr Stephen Soanes (2011)
Rest and Restitution: Convalescence and the Public Mental Hospital in England, 1919-39'

Dr Susan Aspinall (2009)

Dr Brooke Whitelaw (2009)
'Industry and the Interior Life: Industrial 'Experts' and the Mental World of Workers in Twentieth Century Britain'

Dr Katherine Foxhall (2008)
'Problematising the Progress and Conditions of Disease at Sea: Irish and British Emigrant and Convict Voyages to Australia, c. 1800 – c. 1880'

Dr Judith Lockhart (2008)

Dr Kathryn Miele (2008)
'Representing Empathy: The Defense of Vulnerable Bodies in Victorian Medical Culture'

Dr Lisa Petermann (nee Grant) (2007)
'The Development of Pediatrics in France and England, 1760-1882'

Dr Dan O'Conner (2007)
'Breaking Sex: Conceptions and Receptions of Gender Identification in Medical Science and Mass Media 1950-2000'

Dr Sheryl Root (2005)

Dr Jane Adams (2004)
'The Mixed Economy for Medical Services in Herefordshire, c.1770-1850'

Dr Vicky Long (2004)
'Changing Public Representations of Mental Illness in Britain, 1870-1970'

Dr Cathy McClive (2004)
'Bleeding Flowers and Waning Moons: A History of Menstruation in France, c.1495-1761'