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Research Fellows



Dr Rachel Bennett

Went on to a lectureship in Public Policy at Teeside University

Dr Margaret Charleroy

Went on to research funding strategy and development at AHRC

People's History of the NHS (1916-2019) Went on to do a further research fellowship at the University of Oxford and then a lectureship at the University of Bristol.

Cultural History of the NHS (2020-2021). Went on to take up a fellowship with the University of Strathclyde.

Dr Angela Davis

Pre-School Childcare, 1939-2010 (2016-2018) and Motherhood c.1970-1990: An Oral History.(2008-2010) Went on to a Wellcome Trust University Award at Warwick

Dr Nicholas Duvall

Research Fellow 2015-2016. Went on to research administration at the University of Edinburgh

Cultural History of the NHS (2015-2017). Went on to a lectureship at the University of Wolverhampton

Dr Jane Hand

Cultural History of the NHS (2016-2019) Went on to work for the Department of Education

Went on to a lectureship in History at the University of Kent

Dr Natalie Jones Mann

Cultural History of the NHS (2018-2021) Went on to work for the the Wellcome Trust as a Research Development Specialist

Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Visiting Fellow (2009-2011). Civil Wars after 1660. Now at University of Saskatchewan

 'Identity, citizenship and sickle cell anaemia in the postcolonial National Health Service' . Went on to do a further research fellowship at Exeter University

Cultural History of the NHS (2016-2019). Went on to work as a Lecturer at King's College, London and University College, London.

Dr Tania Woloshyn

Soaking up the Rays: the Reception of Light Therapeutics in Britain, c.1899-1938 (2012-2016). Went on to research administration at the University of Birmingham and an Associate Fellowship at Warwick