Academic Publications
in chronological order, most recent first:

Posters, protests and prescriptions: Cultural Histories of the National Health Service in Britain
Dr Jennifer Crane and Dr Jane Hand (eds)

Disorder contained: Mental Breakdown and the Modern Prison in England and Ireland, 1840-1900
Professor Hilary Marland and Dr Catherine Cox

Capital Punishment and the Criminal Corpse in Scotland, 1740-1834
Dr Rachel Bennett

Soaking up the Rays: Visual Culture and Light Therapy in Britain, c1890-1940
Dr Tania Anne Woloshyn

Contagious Communities: Medicine, Migration, and the NHS in Post War Britain
Professor Roberta Bivins
Healing with Water: English Spas and the Water Cure, 1840-1960
Jane M Adams
Pre-school Childcare in England, 1939-2010: Theory, Practice and Experience
Dr Angela Davies

Psychiatry and Chinese History
Dr Howard Chiang (ed)

Missionaries and their medicine: A Christian Modernity for Tribal India
Professor David Hardiman

Lost Freedom: The Landscape of the Child and the British Post-War Settlement
Professor Mathew Thomson
Migration, Health and Ethnicity in the Modern World
Professor Hilary Marland and Dr Catherine Cox (eds

Modern Motherhood: Women and Family in England, 1945-2000
Dr Angela Davies

Social History of Medicine, Volume 26, Issue 1
Professor Roberta Bivins "Coming 'Home' to (post) Colonial Medicine: Treating Tropical Bodies in Post-War Britain"
Dr Tania Woloshyn "Le Pays du Soleil: The Art of Heliotherapy on the Cote d'Azur"
Health and Girlhood in Britain, 1874-1920
Professor Hilary Marland

Alternative Medicine: A History
Professor Roberta Bivins

Negotiating the French Pox in Early Modern Germany
Dr Claudia Stein

Contraception, Colonialism and Commerce: Birth Control in South India, 1920-1940
Professor Sarah Hodges

Psychological Subjects: Identity, Culture, and Health in Twentieth-Century Britain
Professor Mathew Thomson