Cultural Histories of National Health Care
University of Warwick
18-19 September 2018
Provisional Programme - TBC
10-10.30AM – registration and tea and coffee
10.30-12PM The NHS and the Postwar Settlement I
- Roberta Bivins: Guns, Butter, and the NHS
- Peter Mandler: Only the Best is Good Enough: Health and Education as Universal Services after 1945
- David Edgerton: Health and British History: Reflections on the Place of Welfare in the Historiography of the Twentieth-Century United Kingdom
12-1PM buffet lunch
1-230PM Everydayness
- Chris Millard: Public Money, Human Nature, Faking Illness: The NHS and Policing the Boundaries of 'Everyday Life'
- Martin Moore: “Well, we had our first child on the NHS, and had to wait nine months… Can you believe it?" The problematisation of waiting in the NHS, c.1948-1979.
- Louise Hide: Staying up Late: Television as a Technology of Discipline on Long-Stay Psychiatric Wards, 1950s-70s
230-4PM Material cultures
- Victoria Bates: Colouring-in Material Culture: Hospital walls in the NHS
- Joanne Gooding: Looking through NHS glasses to uncover multiple histories; lessons from an object-based study
- Natalie Jones: The Lost Museum of the NHS
4-430PM tea and coffee
430-6PM The NHS and the New Labour History
- Jack Saunders: The Social and Cultural History of Work in the NHS
- Gareth Millward: Sick Notes are a Waste of Time: Medical Certification, the NHS and Work, 1946-51
- Sarah Marks and Mathew Thomson: IAPT, New Labour, and the History of Productive Therapeutics in the NHS
7PM Conference Dinner
9-930AM The NHS and the Postwar Settlement II
- Pat Thane: Did the NHS Help to Promote Equality in Post-War Britain?
930-11AM Consumerism and the NHS
- Alex Mold: ‘Consuming health? Health education and the British public in the 1980s’
- Katy Logan: “The customers who don’t buy anything! : the introduction of free dispensing at Boots The Chemists."
- Jane Hand: Health for the Nation: The Role of the Food Industry in Promoting Better Health, 1980s-1990s
11-1130AM tea and coffee
- Ellen Stewart: The NHS as state practice: contemporary activism and hospital closures
- Sarah Crook: The NHS and student mental health
1-2PM buffet lunch
2-330PM International and Transnational Perspectives
- Martin Gorsky: The NHS as Transnational Phenomenon: 'Families of Nations' and the Making of Health Policy in Britain and New Zealand since 1938
- Minna Harjula: Reframing Universalism: Lived National Health Care in Post-War Finland
- Andrew Seaton: Reforming Medicine: The American Left and the National Health Service
330PM tea and coffee
345-415: Roundtable