Wellcome Trust Masters Award
The Wellcome Trust currently allows one nominated Master’s Award to the MA in the History of Medicine annually. Undergraduates interested in the MA are encouraged to contact the Centre for more information.
As an established centre for the study of medical history, CHM may put forward one candidate per year for the Wellcome Trust's generous and extremely competitive MA funding. We encourage all strong candidates enrolling on the MA for the History of Medicine to consider this funding stream seriously.
If you are interested in applying to the Wellcome Trust Master’s Award, please contact the Course Director for the MA in the History of Medicine, Prof. Hilary Marland, in the first instance.
Should you then wish to apply for the Wellcome Trust MA award, the first stage is to prepare a brief preliminary proposal, as described below. A committee of CHM staff will consider all submitted proposals, and select the strongest. The chosen candidate will then work closely with an academic sponsor and the Director of the Centre for the History of Medicine to prepare a full proposal. A draft of this proposal will be due well in advance of the final Warwick deadline, in order to give the candidate sufficient time to respond to detailed feedback. The final internal deadline is also in advance of the Wellcome Trust deadline in order to allow processing through University-wide systems.
Application Information and Deadlines:
Please be advised that the information below is based on current Wellcome Trust deadlines and may be subject to change.
- CHM Deadline for Preliminary Wellcome Trust MA Award applications: 12 noon 19 January 2018 (in line with other Dept of History funding application deadlines. You will also need to have applied for an MA via the University's online system (please see main History Dept pages for details and links.)
Preliminary CHM applications should include:
-- a brief CV with details of the UG degree held or being undertaken
-- details of the research proposed (maximum of two pages)
-- a letter of support from a current academic sponsor
The successful CHM nominee will be notified as soon as possible after this date. CHM will then put forward the candidate for the Wellcome Trust's deadline of 23 March 2018.
- Draft Wellcome application form to be submitted to CHM Director: 12 noon 20 March 2018
- CHM and Graduate School Office Full Final Application Deadline = 12 noon 23 April 2018
- Wellcome Master’s Award Full Final Application Deadline = 2 May 2018
For more information please contact the Centre Coordinator or the Centre Director Dr Angela Davis: Angela.Davis@warwick.ac.uk