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Early Modern Forum 1450 - 1850

Early Modern Forum

About the Project

The Early Modern Forum was a major, AHRC-funded project which aimed to encourage academic staff and postgraduate students who rarely had the opportunity to meet in person, to collaborate easily and effectively, particularly through the partner institutions: Warwick, Boston, Yale, the Huntington/USC, Vanderbilt, and the Sorbonne.

By implementing existing web technologies, the forum helped scholars to annotate and comment on primary sources or work-in-progress, attend seminars via video-conference, and above all communicate with people with similar research interests.

In addition, the forum was also (and remains) a shared information store. We edited and collated podcasts and videos of research seminars and interviews with academics, maintained an index of useful web links for early modernists, offered a primary source sharing platform, and hosted research (especially postgraduate) in a variety of forms.


A list of the early modern academics associated with the forum and details of their research interests can be accessed here.

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