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"A Day In History..."

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28th January 1596

28th January 1596 - The death of Sir Francis Drake. This article by MARSCH student Benjamin Redding explores late Elizabethan naval tactics instigated by the famous privateer during his final maritime expedition, and the impact that his death had upon both these tactics, and the wider global scene.

Mon 12 Aug 2013, 15:34 | Tags: 16th century, empire, England, global history, military

11th August 1762

11th August 1762-The surrender of Havanna. This article by Third Year BA History and Politics student Alejandro Gonzalez-Ormerod discusses the effects of the Spanish surrender of Havanna to the British during the Seven Years' War.

Wed 20 Feb 2013, 15:33 | Tags: 18th century, empire, global history, military