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Global History and Culture Centre Blog

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Book Review: François-Xavier Fauvelle’s The Golden Rhinoceros: Histories of the African Middle Ages

The Golden Rhinoceros by François-Xavier Fauvelle is a leading work in the field of medieval African history, exploring this ‘golden age’ through archaeological evidence and accessible narratives. Packed with engaging material and a conversational tone, the book appeals to a wide readership, from established academics to those new to the topic. In this review, Lisa Taberner discusses the strengths of Fauvelle’s approach to this traditionally neglected branch of history, as well as weaknesses of the wider field.

Mon 05 Dec 2022, 13:53 | Tags: Historiography, Global History, African History, Lisa Taberner

Queen Pin: The Woman Who Ran the Border Drug Trade

Benjamin T. Smith reports on a recent research trip to Mexico, supported by Global History and Culture Centre funding, in which he conducted archival work into the life of La Nacha, one of the most significant women in the Mexican drug trade.

Fri 21 Oct 2022, 11:33 | Tags: Global History, Latin America, Benjamin T. Smith, Drugs, Mexico, Gender

The International Origins of the Malawi Young Pioneers

From a Ghanaian emphasis on respect for state leaders and Soviet-style patriotism to an Israeli interest on agricultural production and a scout-like enthusiasm for bushcraft, the creators of the Malawi Young Pioneers drew inspiration from a range of different places. In this blog, Emma Orchardson traces the origins of Malawi's agricultural-turned-paramilitary youth organisation and explores some of its foreign influences in the 1960s. In doing so it reveals the effect these had on the organisation’s early construction and development, as well as highlighting some of the wider international connections Malawi forged in the initial years of independence.

The Best Books in Global History - An Interview with Maxine Berg

From the Indian cottons that were traded around Asia and Africa in the Middle Ages, to the global dominance of the blue-and-white pottery of Jingdezhen, and new approaches to the global history of science, in this blog the founding director of the GHCC, Professor Maxine Berg, speaks to Benedict King about five books that transformed our understanding of the past millennium and stand as significant milestones in the development of the vibrant field of global history.

Five Books Every (Global) Historian of Science Should Read

In the last ten years or so historians of science have done much to challenge the existing Eurocentric historiography, yet such works are only just starting to make its way onto core reading lists and into the mainstream of the discipline. In this blog post James Poskett surveys the most exciting new scholarship in the field and makes a case for five books he thinks every historian of science should read. These are books that, whilst often focusing on particular regions or periods, nonetheless speak to the bigger concerns of the discipline. And in fact, for anyone more broadly interested in the history of science, who wants to know where the field is headed, these books are a great place to start.

Fri 18 Mar 2022, 17:09 | Tags: Global History, History of Science, James Poskett

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