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Fellowships and Funding

The Global History and Culture Centre regularly hosts visiting researchers for shorter or longer periods through a range of funding schemes and fellowship programmes. Fellowship holders will be formally based in one of the academic departments at the University of Warwick (e.g. the Department of History). We welcome interested scholars to get in touch with the GHCC director or a Centre member in your area of expertise in the first instance.

Fellows based in the Centre have been sponsored by the Leverhulme Trust, British Academy, AHRC, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange, the Independent Social Science Research Foundation, and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), among others. We have a strong track record of supporting postdoctoral research and welcome expressions of interest.

In addition, the Centre is pleased to host researchers for shorter stays to give talks or engage in research networking activities in collaboration with internal partners such as the Warwick-based Institute for Advanced Study (IAS), the Humanities Research Centre, International Partnership Fund, Arts and Humanities Impact Fund, Monash-Warwick Alliance, SJTU-Warwick Joint Seed Fund, and EUTOPIA. Scholars interested in applying for schemes such as the IAS Visiting FellowshipsLink opens in a new window are invited to discuss their plans with the GHCC director or a Centre member in their area of expertise.

Each year, GHCC also invites applications for up to £750 to its GHCC Fund for Centre members who wish to organise research activities such as small workshops or hosting visiting speakers. PGR students and ECR members of the Centre are particularly encouraged to apply.